Galileo Concerto User Manual page 41

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Main MIDI messages which the piano transmits and receives
MIDI includes various types of messages, used to communicate different types of data.
MIDI messages can be subdivided into message handled separately on each channel
and messages dedicated to the whole system.
The channel messages include:
• Note On: this message is transmitted when a note is played, i.e. when a keyboard key
is struck. Each Note On message includes the following codes:
Note On: when a key has been struck;
Note Number: the key which has been pressed, and therefore the relative note played;
Velocity: note dynamic (i.e. the force applied when the key was struck).
Note messages are expressed as a number from 0 to 127, with middle C represented
by number 60.
• Note Off: this message is transmitted when a key struck previously is released.
When it is received, the sound of the note relating to the key is stopped.
Each Note Off message includes the following codes:
Note Off: a key has been released;
Note Number: which key has been released;
Velocity: dynamic (i.e. how fast the note was released).
N.B.: a Note On message with Velocity=0 is considered equivalent to a Note Off
• Pitch Bend: this message indicates the position in which the [PITCH] wheel is set.
N.B.: in the piano, this message can only be received.
• Program Change: this message is mainly used for selecting voice or programs.
Once you know the correspondence between the voice and the Program change
number, you can select the type of sound you require.
N.B.: consult the Detailed MIDI Implementation at the back of the manual for information
about the association between Program Change and type of voice.
• Control Change: these are control messages (often associated to sliders or pedals)
used to add expression to the performance, allowing you to set (and control in real
time if necessary) timbre parameters such as volume (CC n.7) or activation of the
Damper pedal (CC n.64), etc.
The system messages, on the other hand, are subdivided into three categories: System
Common Messages, System Real Time Messages and System Exclusive Messages.
Of these categories, the piano does not process System Common Messages.
The System Real Time Messages include:
• Clock: this is a MIDI message used to synchronise MIDI instruments connected
together. This message is sent 24 times for each crotchet (quarter note).
User Manual


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