Commands; Device Clear; Command Syntax - Stanford Research Systems SIM918 Operating And Service Manual

Precision current preamplifier
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3.4 Commands

3.3.3 Device Clear

3.4 Commands

3.4.1 Command syntax

SIM918 Precision Current Preamplifier
If the input bu er overflows, then all data in both the input bu er
and the output queue are discarded, and an error is recorded in the
CESR and ESR status registers.
The SIM918 host interface can be asynchronously reset to its power-
on configuration by sending an RS–232-style break signal. From the
SIM900 Mainframe, this is accomplished with the SRST command;
if directly interfacing via RS–232, then use a serial break signal. After
receiving the Device Clear, the CONS mode is turned OFF. Note that
this only resets the communication interface; the basic function of
the SIM918 is left unchanged; to reset the preamplifier, use *RST.
The Device Clear signal will also terminate the output of the HELP?
command from the SIM918.
This section provides syntax and operational descriptions for remote
The four letter mnemonic (shown in CAPS) in each command se-
quence specifies the command. The rest of the sequence consists of
Commands may take either set or query form, depending on whether
the "?" character follows the mnemonic. Set only commands are
listed without the "?", query only commands show the "?" after the
mnemonic, and optionally query commands are marked with a "(?)".
Parameters shown in
are required to set a value, and should be omitted for queries.
Parameters in [ ] are optional in both set and query commands. Pa-
rameters listed without surrounding characters are always required.
Do not send ( ) or
or [ ] as part of the command.
Multiple parameters are separated by commas. Multiple commands
may be sent on one command line by separating them with semi-
colons (;) so long as the input bu er does not overflow. Commands
are terminated by either CR or LF characters. Null commands
and whitespaces are ignored. Execution of the command does not
begin until the command terminator is received.
Token parameters (generically shown as y and z in the command
descriptions) can be specified either as a keyword or as an integer
and [ ] are not always required. Parameters
3 – 7


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