Colour Plane Sprites - AMSTRAD cpc 6128 User Instruction

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10 REM latch animation
30 FOR i=1 TO 15:INK i,26:NEXT
40 m(1)=1:m(2)=2:m(3)=4:m(4)=8
50 MODE 0:PRINT CHR$(23);CHR$(3);:TAG
60 FOR P=1 TO 4
70 GRAPHICS PEN m(p),1
80 LOCATE #1,1,25:PRINT#1,CHR$(48+p);
90 FOR x=0 TO 7
100 FOR y= 0 TO 14 STEP 2
110 IF TEST(x*4,y)=0 THEN 140
120 MOVE (x+6)*32,(y+6)*16:PRINT CHR$(143);
130 MOVE (x+6)*32,(y+7)*16:PRINT CHR$(143);
140 NEXT y,x,p
150 LOCATE #1,1,25:PRINT#1," ";
160 FOR p=1 TO 4
170 FOR i.= 1 TO 25:FRAME:NEXT
180 FOR i=0 TO 15
190 IF (i AND m(p»=0 THEN INK i,0 ELSE INK i,26
200 NEXT i,p
210 GOTO 160
220 INK 1,26
Colour plane sprites
In the example above we have seen how, having written graphics in inks 1,2,4 and 8,
an animation effect can be produced by colour changing. If the same inks are used,
but the colours set up in a different way then a completely different effect can be
produced. This effect is known as 'colour planes' and is demonstrated in the example
10 REM mountains
20 DEFINT a-z
30 INK 0,1:INK 1,26
40 INK 2,6:INK 3,6
50 FOR i=4 TO 7:INK i,9:NEXT
60 FOR i=8 TO 15:INK i,20:NEXT
70 MODE 0:DEG:ORIGIN 0,150:CLG:MOVE 0,150
80 FOR x=16 TO 640 STEP 16
continued on the next page
Chapter 9 Page 54
At your leisure ....


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