Every; Exp - AMSTRAD cpc 6128 User Instruction

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EVE R Y <time period>[, <timer number>] GO SUB <line number>
10 EVERY 50,1 GOSUB 30
20 GO TO 20
30 SOUND 1,20
COMMAND: Calls a BASIC sub-routine at regular intervals. The <time period>
specifies the interval in units of 0.02 (fiftieths) second.
The <timer number> (in the range 0 to 3) specifies which ofthe four delay timers are to
be used. Timer 3 has the highest priority; timer 0 (the default timer) has the lowest.
Each ofthe timers may have a sub-routine associated with it.
Further information concerning interrupts will be found in part 2 of the chapter
entitled 'At your leisure .... '.
Associated keywords: AFT ER, REM A I N
P ( <numeric expression> )
PRINT EXP(6.876)
FUNCTION: Calculates 'E' to the power given in the <numeric expression>, where 'E'
is approximately 2.7182818 - the number whose natural logarithm is 1.
Associated keywords: LOG
FILL <ink>
10 MODE 0
20 FOR n=1 TO 500
3111 PR1NT "0";
4111 NEXT
5111 pencolour=2+RND*13
60 FILL pencolour
7111 GOTO 50
COMMAND: Fills an arbitrary area of the graphics screen. The edges of the area are
bounded by lines drawn either in the current graphics pen ink or in the ink being used
to fill (in the range 0 to 15).
The fill starts from the current graphics cursor position, If this position lies on an
edge, nothing will be filled.
Associated keywords: G RAP HIe S PEN
Complete List of Keywords
Chapter 3 Page 27


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