Schedule Do Not Disturb On / Off; Setting Do Not Disturb Schedule - DKS 1820 Owner's Manual

Dks 1820 telephone intercom system with call down owner's manual
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3.5.3 Scheduled Do Not Disturb On / Off
This programming sequence is used by the doorman or system administrator to turn the
preprogrammed do not disturb schedule on or off. The resident can also turn this schedule on or off
from the apartment using resident commands.
Note: If programmable directory codes are used, enter the directory code number instead of
the relay number in step 3.
Factory Default = 0 (Off)
1. Take the doorman telephone off hook.
2. Press *22 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
3. Enter the four-digit relay number of the resident that the schedule is being administered
on for _ _ _ _ then press * (beep). Note: entering 9 9 9 9 in this step will turn the
schedule on for all residents.
4. Enter 0 to turn the schedule Off, or enter 1 to turn the schedule On, then press * (beep).
5. Hang up the doorman telephone to end the programming session.

3.5.4 Setting Do Not Disturb Schedule

This programming sequence is used by the doorman or system administrator to set a do not disturb
schedule for residents. This schedule must be set by the doorman, it cannot be set by the resident
from the resident's apartment.
Note: If programmable directory codes are used, enter the directory code number instead of
the relay number in step 3.
Factory Default = 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM Sunday through Saturday
1. Take the doorman telephone off hook.
2. Press *23 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
3. Enter the four-digit relay number of the resident that the schedule is being set for _ _ _ _
then press * (beep). Note: entering 9 9 9 9 in this step will set the schedule on for all
4. Enter the beginning time in hours and minutes (HHMM) _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).
5. Enter 0 for AM, or 1 for PM _ then press * (beep).
6. Enter the ending time in hours and minutes (HHMM) _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).
7. Enter 0 for AM, or 1 for PM _ then press * (beep).
8. Enter the days of the week that the schedule will be active (Sunday = 1; Saturday = 7)
then press * (beep). Note: you can enter from 1 – 7 digits in this step. For example, if
the schedule is set for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, enter 2 4 6.
9. Repeat steps 3-8 to program another resident.
10. Hang up the doorman telephone to end the programming session.
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