Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 45

Mif reference
Table of Contents


<PageType BodyPage>
<PageBackground `Default'>
<ID 2>
# This text frame has a unique ID.
# The body page dimensions match those of the master page.
<ShapeRect 2" 1" 5" 7.5">
<TRNumColumns 1>
<TRColumnGap 0.0">
> # end TextRect
> # end Page
If the dimensions (specified by the ShapeRect statement) and column layout (specified by the TRNum-
Columns and TRColumnGap statements) of the master page and body page do not match, the body page will
not use the page layout from the master page. Instead, the body page will use the page layout defined
for the body page.
To create the text flow for the master page
The text flow for the master page is not contained in the Page statement; instead, it is contained in a
TextFlow statement that is linked to the text frame on the master page. The Page statements must come
before any TextFlow statements.
Link the text flow to the master page's text frame by using the TextRectID statement to refer to the text
frame's unique ID:
<TFTag `A'>
<TFAutoConnect Yes>
<TextRectID 1>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para
> # end of TextFlow
The text flow for the master page must be empty. Be sure to give the text flow the same flow tag that you
give the text flow for the body page and to turn on the autoconnect feature.
To create the text flow for the body page
The text flow for the body page is contained in a separate TextFlow statement that is linked to the body
page's text frame. The text flow contains the actual text of the document in one or more Para statements.
If text overflows the first text frame, the MIF interpreter creates another body page with a layout that
matches the right master page and pours text into the body page's text frame.
# The column layout must also match.
# The text flow must be tagged.
# Autoconnect must be turned on.
# Refers to text frame ID on master page.
Using MIF Statements


Table of Contents

Table of Contents