Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 120

Mif reference
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Alignment of anchored frames
If a graphic frame is anchored within a text column or text frame, the AnchorAlign statement specifies the
alignment of the anchored frame. Unless anchored at the insertion point of the cursor, the graphic frame
can be aligned in one of the following ways.
If the graphic frame is aligned
With the left side of the text column or text frame
In the center of the text column or text frame
With the right side of the text column or text frame
With the side of the text column or text frame closer to the
binding of the book (the "inside edge")
With the side of the text column or text frame farther from the
binding of the book (the "outside edge")
Group statement
The Group statement defines a group of graphic objects and allows objects to be nested. The Group
statement must appear after all the objects that form the group. It can appear at the top level or within a
Page or Frame statement.
<Unique ID>
When the MIF interpreter encounters a Group statement, it searches all objects within the current graphic
frame for those group IDs that match the ID of the Group statement. These objects are then collected to
form the group. All objects with the same group ID must be listed in the MIF file before their associated
Group statement is listed. If multiple Group statements have the same ID, the results will be unpredictable.
For more information about the group ID, see "Generic object statements" on page 111.
ImportObject statement
The ImportObject statement describes an imported graphic. It can appear at the top level or within a Page
or Frame statement.
The imported graphic is either copied into the document or imported by reference:
The Frame statement contains
<AnchorAlign Left>
<AnchorAlign Center>
<AnchorAlign Right>
<AnchorAlign Inside>
<AnchorAlign Outside>
Group ID
ID, persistent across sessions, assigned when a FrameMaker product
generates a MIF file; used by the FDK client and should not be used
by filters
Rotation angle of group (see page 111)
End of Group statement
MIF Document Statements


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