Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 263

Mif reference
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As a result, the following changes to 4.00 MIF have been made:
The FrameType statement now supports the additional keywords Inside, Outside, and RunIntoPara-
The AnchorAlign statement now supports the additional keywords Inside and Outside.
Version 5 introduces the new AnchorBeside statement to indicate whether the graphic frame is anchored
outside the entire text frame (TextFrame) or outside one column in the text frame (Column).
When editing FrameMaker document files from previous versions, the FrameMaker products assume that
this statement has the value <AnchorBeside Column>.
For more information about the MIF syntax for graphic frames, see "Frame statement" on page 117.
Text inset and data link statements
In previous versions, Macintosh versions of FrameMaker products allowed you to import text by reference
with the Publish and Subscribe mechanism. The MIF DataLink statement described text that was
published or subscribed.
In version 5, the capability to import text by reference, which creates a text inset, is available on all
platforms. As a result of this new feature, the new TextInset statement replaces the DataLink statements
for subscribers.
Note that the DataLink statements for publishers are still used.
The following table lists the old DataLink statements and the new TextInset statements that replace them.
MIF 4.00
<DLSource pathname>
<DLParentFormats Yes>
<DLParentFormats No>
<OneLinePerRec boolean>
<MacEdition integer>
If you open a 5.00 MIF file with text insets in a version 4 FrameMaker product, the older version of the
product will strip out the text inset MIF statements. The text inset becomes plain text that cannot be
For more information about the MIF syntax for text insets, see "Text insets (text imported by reference)"
on page 140. For information about the MIF syntax for publishers, see "Publishers" on page 149.
Structured document statements
In version 5, FrameMaker does not support statements for structured documents, such as ElementDef-
Catalog and DElementBordersOn. FrameMaker strips these statements when reading in a MIF file. When
writing out a MIF file, FrameMaker does not write these statements.
MIF 5.00
<TiSrcFile pathname>
<TiFormatting TiEnclosing>
<TiFormatting TiSource>
<EOLisEOP boolean>
<TiMacEditionId integer>
MIF Compatibility


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