Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 112

Mif reference
Table of Contents


<GroupID ID>
<Unique ID>
<Pen integer>
<Fill integer>
<PenWidth dimension>
<ObColor tagstring>
<ObTint percentage>
<Separation integer>
<Overprint boolean>
<RunaroundType keyword>
<RunaroundGap dimension>
<Angle degrees>
<ReRotateAngle dimension>
<DashedStyle keyword>
<NumSegments integer>
<DashSegment dimension>
<DashSegment dimension>
Object ID number
ID of parent group object
ID, persistent across sessions, assigned when a FrameMaker product
generates a MIF file; used by the FDK client and should not be used
by filters
Pen pattern for lines and edges (see "Values for Pen and Fill state-
ments" on page 113)
Fill pattern for objects (see "Values for Pen and Fill statements" on
page 113)
Line and edge thickness
Applies color from Color Catalog (see page 94)
Applies a tint to the object color; 100% is equivalent to the pure
object color and 0% is equivalent to no color at all
Applies color; no longer used, but written out by FrameMaker prod-
ucts for backward-compatibility (see "Color statements" on
page 264)
Yes turns on overprinting for the graphic object. No turns on knock-
out. If this statement is not present, then the overprint setting from
the object's color is assumed.
Specifies whether text can flow around the object and, if so, whether
the text follows the contour of the object or a box shape surrounding
the object
keyword can be one of:
Space between the object and the text flowing around the object;
must be a value between 0.0 and 432.0 points
Rotation angle of object in degrees; default is 0
Frames, cells, and equations can only be rotated in 90-degree incre-
ments; all other objects can be arbitrarily rotated.
Previous rotation angle of object in degrees
Specifies whether object is drawn with a dashed or a solid line
keyword can be one of:
Number of dash segments; ignored when MIF file is read
Defines a dash segment (see "DashSegment values" on page 114)
Additional statements as needed
End of DashedPattern statement
MIF Document Statements


Table of Contents

Table of Contents