Changes Between Versions 3 And 4 - Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual

Mif reference
Table of Contents


FrameVector graphic format
In version 5, a new internal graphic format, FrameVector, is supported for imported vector graphics. The
specifications for this facet are described in , "FrameVector Facet Format."

Changes between versions 3 and 4

This section describes the changes to MIF syntax between versions 3 and 4 of the FrameMaker products.
4.00 top-level MIF statements
The following table lists top-level statements introduced between versions 3 and 4 of the FrameMaker
New statement
Changes to 3.00 MIF statements
This section describes the statements that have changed or that have introduced additional property state-
ments between versions 3 and 4 of the FrameMaker products. MIF statements that have changed include:
Color statements
Math statements
Character format statements
Object statements
Page statements
Color statements
The following table lists the changes for color property statements.
MIF 3.00
<FSeparation integer>
<CSeparation integer>
<RulingSeparation integer>
<Separation integer>
<TblHFSeparation integer>
<TblBodySeparation integer>
<TblXSeparation integer>
<CellSeparation integer>
Action in earlier versions
All custom colors revert to Cyan
MIF 4.00
<FColor string>
<CColor string>
<RulingColor string>
<ObColor string>
<TblHFColor string>
<TblBodyColor string>
<TblXColor string>
<CellColor string>
MIF Compatibility


Table of Contents

Table of Contents