Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 313

Mif reference
Table of Contents


bullet 204
BUseInitStructure 185
BViewOnly 152
BViewOnlyNoOp 152
BViewOnlyWinBorders 152
BViewOnlyWinMenubar 152
BViewOnlyWinPopup 152
byte encoded data, in FrameImage
file 285
cap 205
Character 78–83
Color 93–95
Element 178–179
Paragraph 73–77
Table 83–92
CColor 72
cdot 205
ceil 202
Cell 91
in Row 90
in Cell 91
in determining table width 92
CellAngle 91
CellBRuling 91
CellColor 91
CellColumns 91
CellContent 91
CellLRuling 91
CellRows 91
CellRRuling 91
contents 91
fill pattern, default 91
margins 85
rotation 91
ruling style 91
straddling columns/rows 91
CellSeparation 91, 264
CellTRuling 91
CenteredPunct 220
CGM files, imported 122
change 202
change bars, properties 103
chapter numbering
in a book 154
Method 101, 155
ChapterNumStart 101, 154
ChapterNumStyle 101, 154
ChapterNumText 101, 154
Char 136
in ParaLine 135
in TextLine 130
in MathFullForm 198
Character Catalog 78–83
character format properties
language used for spell-checking
and hyphenation 79
character formats
creating and applying 30
inheriting format properties 31
character set 13
character spread 80, 175
characters in equations 198
CharClass 220
CharUnits 69
chem 209
choice 204
cmut 204
Collapsed 178
Color 95
in ColorCatalog 94
for body cells 86
for cells 91
for characters 80, 174
for exception columns and body
rows 86
for heading and footing cells 86
for objects 113
color map, in FrameImage file 284
color, custom 93
ColorAttribute 95
ColorBlack 95
ColorCatalog 94
ColorCyan 95
ColorLibraryFamilyName 95
ColorLibraryInkName 95
ColorMagenta 95
ColorOverprint 95
ColorTag 95
ColorTint 95
ColorTintBaseColor 95
ColorYellow 95
ColumnGap 110
Columns 110
columns, in a table
body cell paragraph format 87
footing cell paragraph format 87
heading cell paragraph format 86
number 88
width 89
columns, text
default number per page 100
Combined fonts 214
BoldedAndObliqued 215
CombinedFontBaseEncoding 215
CombinedFontBaseFamily 215
CombinedFontCatalog 215
CombinedFontDefn 215
CombinedFontName 215
CombinedFontWesternFamily 215
CombinedFontWesternShift 215
CombinedFontWesternSize 215
comma 205
Comment 69
Condition 72
condition tags
creating and applying 52–55
syntax 72
Conditional 73
in ParaLine 135
in Row 90
conditional rows in a table 90
conditional text, showing/hiding 102
ConditionCatalog 72
cong 205
Context 170
ContextFormatRule 169, 171
ContextLabel 171
ContPageNum 101, 155
Corel Draw files, imported 122
cos 202


Table of Contents

Table of Contents