Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 31

Mif reference
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<MIFFile 6.00> #Hand generated
<FTag `Emphasis'>
<FAngle `Italic'>
> # end of Font
> # end of FontCatalog
<PgfTag `Body'>
<String `You can format characters within a paragraph by '>
<FTag `Emphasis'>
> # end of Font
<String `applying'>
<FTag `'>
> # end of Font
<String ` a character format from the character catalog.'>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para
Remember to include a second Font statement to end the scope of the applied character format.
To locally define a character format, use a complete Font statement:
<PgfTag `Body'>
<String `You can also format characters by '>
<FTag `Emphasis'>
character property statements
> # end of Font
<String `applying'>
<FTag `'>
> # end of Font
<String ` a locally defined character format.'>
> # end of ParaLine
> # end of Para
Like paragraph formats, character formats inherit properties from previously defined character formats.
Unlike paragraph formats, however, a character format ends at the close of a Para statement.
See the sample file charfmt.mif for examples of using character formats.
Using MIF Statements


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