Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 121

Mif reference
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If the imported graphic is copied into the document, the data describing the graphic is recorded within
the ImportObject statement. The description of a graphic in a given format is called a facet.
FrameMaker products use facets to display graphics, print graphics, or store additional graphic infor-
mation. Imported graphics can have more than one facet, which means that the graphic is described in
more than one format.
If the graphic is imported by reference, the data describing the graphic is not stored within the Impor-
tObject statement. Instead, a directory path to the file containing the graphic data is recorded in the Impor-
tObject statement.
Generic object statements
<ImportObFile pathname>
<ImportObFileDI pathname>
<ImportHint string>
<ShapeRect L T W H>
<BitMapDpi integer>
<ImportObFixedSize boolean>
<FlipLR boolean>
<NativeOrigin X Y>
<ImportObEditor string>
Information common to all objects (see page 111)
Object's UNIX-style pathname; no longer used, but written out by
FrameMaker products for backward-compatibility
Object's device-independent pathname (see page 13)
Record identifying the filter used for graphics imported by reference
(see "Record of the filter used to import graphic by reference" on
page 124)
Position and size of object, before rotation, in the page or graphic
frame coordinates
Scaling value for bitmap file; ignored for FrameVector graphics
Yes inhibits scaling of bitmap file (see "Size, position, and angle of
imported graphics" on page 122); ignored for FrameVector graphics
Yes flips object about the vertical axis
Specifies the name of the facet used to describe the graphic imported
by copying (see the appendix, "Facet Formats for Graphics.")
Identifies the data type used in the facet (see the appendix, "Facet
Formats for Graphics.").
keyword can be one of:
v (for unsigned bytes)
i (for integer data)
m (for metric data)
Data describing the imported graphic; data must begin with the
ampersand character (see the appendix, "Facet Formats for Graph-
Marks the beginning or end of data represented in hexadecimal (see
the appendix, "Facet Formats for Graphics.")
End of the data describing the imported graphic
Coordinates of the origin of the imported graphic within the page or
frame; applicable for graphics that use coordinate systems, such as
Name of application to call to edit bitmap graphic inset or imported
object; ignored for FrameVector graphics
MIF Document Statements


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