Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 133

Mif reference
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To divert the flow into a new, unlinked text frame, there must be a TextRectID statement in the first
ParaLine statement of the new TextFlow statement (see page 134). The TextRectID statement resets the
current text frame definition so subsequent text is placed within the identified text frame; this is necessary
only if you want to reset the text frame defaults.
If the text flow contains side heads, the TFSideheads statement is set to Yes. The PgfPlacementStyle
statement (under paragraph properties) identifies the side heads, and the TextRect statement contains
specifications for their size and placement.
For information about text flow properties, see your user's manual.
Notes statement
The Notes statement defines all of the footnotes that will be used in a table title, cell, or text flow. It can
appear at the top level or at the beginning of a TblTitleContent, CellContent, or TextFlow statement.
<Unique ID>
Within the document text, footnotes are referred to with the <FNote ID> statement, where ID is the ID
specified in the corresponding FNote statement. See "ParaLine statement" on page 134.
Para statement
The Para statement defines a paragraph. It can appear in a TextFlow, FNote, CellContent, or TblTitle-
Content statement. In simple MIF files without page or document statements (such as the hello.mif sample
file), the Para statement can also appear at the top level. It usually consists of a list of embedded ParaLine
statements that contain the document text.
Unique ID
ID, persistent across sessions, assigned when a FrameMaker product
generates a MIF file; used by the FDK client and should not be used
by filters
Changes font as needed (see "PgfFont and Font statements" on
page 78)
Footnote text (see "Para statement," next)
Additional statements as needed
End of FNote statement
Additional statements as needed
End of Notes statement
MIF Document Statements


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