Adobe FRAMEMAKER 6.0 Manual page 244

Mif reference
Table of Contents


<ParaLine <String `Streck Metals'>>>>
> # end of Cell
<Cell <CellContent <Para
<PgfTag `CellBody'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Catalog.
<ParaLine <String `$27.25'>>>>
> # end of Cell
<Cell <CellContent <Para
<PgfTag `CellBody'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Catalog.
<ParaLine <String `+2.75'>>>>
> # end of Cell
> # end of Row
<Row # The third body row
<Cell <CellContent <Para
<PgfTag `CellBody'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Catalog.
<ParaLine <String `Linbrech Alloys'>>>>
> # end of Cell
<Cell <CellContent <Para
<PgfTag `CellBody'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Catalog.
<ParaLine <String `$63.75'>>>>
> # end of Cell
<Cell <CellContent <Para
<PgfTag `CellBody'> # Forces lookup in Paragraph Catalog.
<ParaLine <String `-2.50'>>>>
> # end of Cell
> # end of Row
> # end of TblBody
> # end of Tbl
> # end of Tbls
<TextFlow <Para
<PgfTag Body>
<ParaLine <ATbl 1>> # Reference to table ID 1.
Updating several values in a table
You can update several values in a table (or elsewhere in a document) by importing
a MIF file.
To update a table, insert a table in a FrameMaker document and create user variables for the values you
want to update (see your user's manual); then insert the variables in the table where you want them.
To change the values of the variables, create a MIF file with new variable definitions. You can create MIF
variable definitions from sources such as records in a database, values in a spreadsheet, or data gathered
from measurement equipment. For example, the following MIF file defines two variables:


Table of Contents

Table of Contents