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Using The Direct Output Connector Of Your Matrox Breakout Box - Matrox Breakout Box Installation And Technical Reference


22 Chapter 2: Connecting Matrox Breakout Box

Using the direct output connector of your Matrox Breakout Box

When routed through the direct output connector, the Matrox Breakout Box
auxiliary output signals are open collector (sink driver) output signals; instead of
transmitting a high or low voltage state, a current from a connected device is either
terminated (grounded) or not. The power source must be provided by the
connected device because the Matrox Breakout Box's output signals are not
capable of providing (sourcing) voltage to drive a device. In the example below,
the device connected to the Matrox Breakout Box module is terminated.
Matrox Breakout Box
Equivalent circuit only
Your Matrox Breakout Box module supports a nominal voltage of 24 V. Each of
the sink drivers of your Matrox Breakout Box uses a resettable fuse to protect your
Matrox Breakout Box from connected external devices. The fuse tries to protect
your Matrox Breakout Box if you accidentally connect it to an external device that
provides more amperage than the Matrox Breakout Box can safely sink to ground.
When the auxiliary output signal is on, the circuit is grounded and the current
flows from the connected device to your Matrox Breakout Box (the observed
voltage at the output pin will be low). When the auxiliary output signal is off, the
circuit is open (the observed voltage will be high if pulled high by the connected
S t a t e o f t h e o u t p u t s i g n a l
O n
O f f
The exact connection between your Matrox Breakout Box, the connected external
device, and its power source depends entirely on the type of external device to
which you connect.
100 mA
S t a t e o f t h e s i n k d r i v e r
C l o s e d
O p e n
C i r c u i t g o e s t o
G r o u n d
N o t g r o u n d ( f l o a t i n g )

