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Njoy Ranger 60KR User Manual page 19


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13. Operation in changing battery quantity
1) This operation should only be performed by maintenance personnel
or qualified technicians.
2) Turn off the UPS. If the load cannot be shut off, you should remove
the cover of maintenance bypass switch on the panel and turn the
maintenance switch to "BPS" position.
3) Switch off the line input breaker and external bypass input breaker.
Then, UPS will enter into "No Output mode".
4) Connect communication cable to the UPS and a computer. Be
sure to install communication tool first. For this software tool, please
check your local dealer for the details. Use the software to set up battery
quantity accordingly. Or use LCD setting interface to set the battery
quantity directly, please contact with the local after-sales service.
5) After settings are updated successfully, shut down the UPS with
battery connected to save the changes. Then, modify the connected
battery pack numbers accordingly.
6) Switch on the utility power breaker and external bypass input
breaker. Then, the UPS will enter into bypass mode. If the UPS is in
maintenance bypass mode, turn the maintenance switch back to "UPS"
position and then turn on the UPS.
If you see warning code "01", the UPS is not able to set up the battery quantity.
Only in No output mode can battery quantity be modified.
14. Operation in setting charging current
1) This operation should only be performed by maintenance personnel
or qualified technicians.
2) Connect communication cable to the UPS and a computer. Be sure
to install communication tool first. For this software tool, please check
your local dealer for the details. Use the software to set up charging
current accordingly. Or use LCD setting interface to set charge current
directly. Please refer to Program 21 in LCD setting section (3-7).
3) After settings are updated successfully, the updated charging
current will take effect immediately. The UPS would need to be restarted



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