ABB TRIO-5.8-TL-OUTD-S Product Manual page 101

Table of Contents


- Code on display
- Error message
Name of Alarm and Cause
- Signal
Incorrect configuration of inputs (set in parallel ra-
ther than independent):
- E013
The alarm is generated solely when the inverter is con-
- Wrong Mode
figured with parallel inputs. In this particular configura-
Yellow LED
tion the inverter checks the input voltage of each of the
two channels and if the two voltages differ by more than
20Vdc, the alarm is raised .
Excessive temperature inside the inverter:
External temperature over 60°C. This parameter also de-
- E014
pends on the power which the inverter must supply since
- Over Temp.
the measurement of temperatures is done internally and
Yellow LED
is influenced by the heat dissipated by the components
of the inverter itself
- E015
Breakdown recorded on the "Bulk" capacitor:
- Bulk Cap Fail
Error inside the inverter relating to a problem in the bulk
Yellow LED
Error in the "Inverter" circuit (DC-AC side) recorded
- E016
by the "Booster" circuit (DC-DC side):
- Inverter Fail
The alarm is generated when a problem is recorded in
Yellow LED
the inverter circuit (DC/AC)
Long wait for "Inverter" regime to start up:
Error internal to inverter relating to start-up time for the
DC-AC circuit regime (Inverter)
- E017
• The alarm may be triggered by causes external to the
- Start Timeout
inverter: a reduced input voltage on the inverter (just
Yellow LED
above the activation voltage) but which is not accompa-
nied by a sufficient availability of power from the pho-
tovoltaic generator (typical condition of the stages with
limited irradiation)
High leakage current measured on the DC side (pho-
tovoltaic generator):
The alarm is generated when, during normal operation
- E018
of the inverter, a leakage current to ground is detected in
- Ground Fault
the DC section of the system. It is also possible that the
inverter generates the alarm E018 message also due to
AC leakage currents connected to the capacitive nature
of the photovoltaic generator compared to ground.
Failure of test on sensor to measure the leakage cur-
rent (DC side):
Before connecting to the grid the inverter runs a self-test
regarding the sensor for the leakage current. The test
- E019
is carried out by "forcing", in the sensor of the leakage
- Ileak
current, a current with a known value: the micropro-
Yellow LED
cessor compares the value read with the known value.
The error is generated if the comparison between the
read value and the known value during the test does not
fall within the allowed tolerance.
Failure of the test on the relay of the "Booster" (DC-
DC circuit):
Before connecting to the grid the inverter carries out in-
- E020
ternal tests. One of these tests concerns the correct ope-
- Self Test Error 1
ration of the booster relay. The test is carried out by "for-
Yellow LED
cing" the switching of the relay and checking its operation.
The error is generated if a problem is found in actioning
the relay.
• Check that the setting of the "IN MODE" switch is specifically
set to "PAR" and that the bridges between the two input channels
have been included.
- If the configuration of the inverter is correct, check that the input
strings have the usual number of standard panels of the usual
brand and with the same inclination/orientation.
- If both the configuration of the inverter and the characteristics
of the PV generator conform with the specifications, contact cu-
stomer assistance.
• Check that the inverter is not exposed to direct sunlight. Wait for
the temperatures to which the inverter is exposed to return to the
operating range and for the inverter to cool down.
- If the problem (once the ambient temperature has returned to
the range) persists, contact customer assistance. Remember to
wait the time needed to allow the inverter to cool down
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- If the error signal occurs sporadically, it may be due to causes
external to the inverter (limited irradiation and so limited power
availability from the PV generator).
- If the problem occurs systematically also in conditions of high
irradiation and with input voltage which is significantly higher than
the activation voltage, contact customer assistance.
• Measure the insulation resistance using a megohmmeter po-
sitioned between the photovoltaic field (positive terminal short-
circuited at the negative pole) compared to ground. The measu-
rement is strongly influenced by the environmental conditions,
so must be made under the same conditions in which the error
- If the value measured is lower than 1 megaohm, a check must
be carried out by a technician/installer on the photovoltaic gene-
rator to identify and eliminate the problem.
- If the value measured is higher than 1 megaohm and the error
signal persists, contact customer assistance.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
By its nature, the alarm only occurs prior to connection to the grid
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
By its nature, the alarm only occurs prior to connection to the grid
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- 101 -
8 - Maintenance


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