Data Transmission Via Cellular Nb (Fex45X); Data Report For Fex45X; Summary Report - ABB AquaMaster4 Operating Instruction

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A Q U A M A S T E R 4 | E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C F LO W M E T E R T R A N S M I T T E R | O I/ F E T4 0 0 - E N R E V. D
...7 Operation

Data transmission via cellular NB (FEX45X)

Additional transmitter configuration is required before normal
Below are the additional configuration to be done for normal
operation along with those as per Establish cellular NB-IoT
communication on page 40.
1 Enable Advanced Access Level Enable in User Access Right
Settings and navigate to Advanced Settings – Cellular NB >
Operation mode.
2 Click the edit icon and select Disabled and tap the phone/
tablet to the device to disable Cellular NB communication.
3 Configure the below parameters through Velox interface app
under Advance Settings – Cellular NB and tap the phone/
tablet to the device to update the parameters.
Data report time base
Data report interval
Data report mode
Alarm report on raise condition
Alarm report on clear condition
4 In case of Detail report, Logging interval & Retrieved record
interval needs to configure under Process Logger Settings.
5 Transmitter supports optional SIM card configurations in
Advance Settings – Cellular NB.
• SIM card pin: The transmitter supports to set PIN for un-
authorized access by setting the PIN in Advance Settings –
Cellular NB > SIM card pin .
• Lock SIM card: Select On in Advance Settings – Cellular NB
> Lock SIM card to lock the SIM card with the PIN as per
• Unlock SIM Card: Select On in Advance Settings – Cellular
NB > Unlock SIM card to unlock the SIM card with the PIN as
per above.
• SIM card PUK: If the PIN is lost, the transmitter allow
customer to enter PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) for the
SIM card with the reset PIN code under Advance Settings –
Cellular NB > SIM card puk.
6 Navigate to Advanced Settings – Cellular NB > Operation
7 Click the edit icon and select Enabled and hover the phone/
tablet to the transmitter to enable Cellular 4G
8 Reboot the transmitter through Velox by selecting On in
Firmware Information > Reboot system and hover the
phone/tablet to device and the transmitter is now ready for
normal operation.
e.g. 0 (to set the base time for
sending report at 00:00 h), the
value should be in seconds.
1 hour / 6 hour / 12 hour / 1 day
Detail report / summary report
Off / On
Off / On

Data report for FEX45X

The measured data from the device will be transferred by the
transmitter periodically based on the configuration. Below are
examples of different types of data report.
In case of NB Transmitter, the file type is JSON only.

Summary report

The summary report contains summary information for
measured data in a period based on configured data report
Figure 68 Example of summary report in JSON format
Figure 69 Example of summary report in CSV format


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