RESEARCH CONCEPTS RC2000A DUAL AXIS Instructions Manual page 89

Antenna controller
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RC2000A Dual Axis Antenna Controller
bytes 10 – 15: elev position
bytes 16 – 21: pol position
byte 22:
bytes 23-32:
byte 33:
bytes 34-40:
bytes 41-42:
byte 43:
byte 44:
The normal reply to this command will be the same as the reply to the Device Status Poll except that the
command code field will be '40h'. Note that if a position specified in the azimuth, elevation, or
polarization fields is outside of the limits for the axis a NAK reply will be sent to the host. A NAK reply
will also occur if a peakup is specified and the controller does not support peakups, the controller's
Peakup Enable Flag is disabled, or the Peakup related parameters in non-volatile memory are corrupt.
A C program has been written which allows a user to exercise the RC2000. The program runs on an
IBM PC (or compatible - running DOS) and was designed to aid the software developer who is writing
programs to control the RC2000. Most of the commands listed above can be sent to the controller with
the program. The program features three windows. In the top window the user is prompted for
commands to send to the controller. In the middle window, the command strings sent to the controller
are displayed. The bottom window displays all characters received from the controller. The source
code is included with the program and a developer may examine and freely use any of the routines. A
disk containing this program is included with each controller.
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA
Elevation target position. The value must be right justified and
left padded with zeroes. Values between 0 and 65535 are
accepted. A value of zero implies that elevation movement will
not occur.
Polarization target position. The value must be right justified
and left padded with zeroes. Values between 0 and 661 are
accepted if a polarotor is present in the system. Values
between 0 and 1023 are accepted for rotating feed systems. A
string of six blank characters (not zero terminated) indicates
that pol movement should not occur. If AutoPol is enabled
then this field must be set to all blanks.
peakup flag
A blank (20h) specifies that no peakup occur, 'C' specifies that
a C band peakup will occur, 'K' specifies that a K band peakup
occur. A peakup cannot occur if either the azimuth or elevation
positions are zero.
This field specifies the satellite name that is to be displayed.
This field can specify 'H', 'V', 'X', 'C', 'K', or ' ' (blank, 20h). This
character is displayed by the pol code display system when the
current polarization position is equal to (or very near) the
polarization position specified by this command.
This field can specify an ASCII string that will be displayed
after the satellite name. It is intended that this field display
satellite longitude.
Reserved for future expansion, set to 20h for now.
Appendix E
Communications Protocol


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