System Maintenance; Clean Vents And Screens; Winterizing The Water System; Waste Systems - Scarab SB Series Owner's Manual

Table of Contents


D. System Maintenance
Be sure the battery(s) in the boat are properly
charged. Operating the pressure pump from a battery
with a low charge will result in pump cycling. This
could lead to prema ture pump failure.

1. Clean Vents and Screens

Periodically, inspect the water tank vents and thru-hull
vent fittings for any dirt, wax, etc. Carefully remove
any obstruction with a pipe cleaner or similar device.
Be sure not to puncture any screens.
Fail ure to keep the water tank vent fit ting clean
will cause ex ces sive pres sure build up with in the
tank dur ing fill ing. This can cause wa ter tank
dam age.

2. Winterizing the Water System

Winter lay-up service procedures should include a
thorough draining of the water system. Discon nect
all accessible fittings. Blow out all lines. Be sure the
water tank, waste tank, pumps and lines are com-
pletely dry. Freez ing water can cause severe damage
to all water system compo nents.
It may be necessary to dis connect the hose
below the faucet to remove excess water in
the lines to prevent freeze dam age.
Always winterize the fresh water system prior to
winter ization of the hull drainage (bilge pump)
Draining the system as mentioned can be very tedious
and an incomplete job can result in expen sive repairs.
The use of nontoxic antifreeze (such as RV antifreeze)
designed for fresh water sys tems consider ably
reduces the work necessary and is a more positive
means of winteriz ing the system. Follow the direc tions
included with the antifreeze solution.
Boat Systems - Section B
To winterize:
1. Turn on the water pump/faucet and drain the
water tank. The water tanks on some models can
be drained by removing the with drawal hose from
the tank and allow ing water to drain into the bilge.
DO NOT run the water pump without water in
the system. Pump damage can result. Be
watchful and turn the pump off as soon as the
tank be comes empty.
2. Add 1/2 gallon of RV non-toxic antifreeze to the
water tank.
3. Turn ON the pump until undiluted antifreeze
is seen.
Use only nontoxic antifreeze solutions such
as RV antifreeze. DO NOT use ethylene glycol
solutions (the type that is used in engine
coolant systems). These are toxic.
Be sure to wipe up any antifreeze that has been
spilled on the fiberglass surfac es to prevent
possible discoloration or damage to the gel
Depending upon options and model, additional
information by the equipment manu facturers may be
included n the owner's packet. Also, refer to Section E
for mainte nance.
B - 9



Enclosed Head

On certain models, a fully enclosed fiberglass head
is available and is built into the port console. See
Figure B49. If equipped, these heads may offer such
things as hard surface countertop, sink, toilet paper
holder and porta-potti or porta-potti with pumpout.
Note: Heads may vary by model. Refer to the manu-
facturer's literature included in the owner's packet
regarding the use, care and maintenance of the
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Table of Contents

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