Additional Recommended Equipment; Passenger Safety; Rules Of The Road; Lightning - Scarab SB Series Owner's Manual

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Additional Recommended Equipment

Scarab recommends that you acquire additional
equipment for safe, enjoyable cruising. This list, while
not all-inclusive, suggests items you should consider
Basic Gear
Spare batteries
Oar, paddle
Mooring lines
Dock fenders
Distress signals
Boat hook
VHF radio
Extra warm clothing Charts
Second anchor & line
Dewatering device (pump or bailer)
Emergency supply of drinking water and food
*Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
Spark plug wrench
Electrical tape
Duct tape
Adjustable wrench
Lubricating oil
Spare Parts
Extra bulbs
Extra fuses
Extra drain plug
Spark plugs
Spare wire
Gear For Extended Cruises
Foul weather gear
Parallel rulers
Global Positioning System navigation equipment
A - 7


You are responsible for the safety of your passen gers
as well as for their behavior while aboard. Make sure:
1. Each passenger is properly instructed in Personal
Flotation Device (PFD) use and keeps one within
reach in case of emergency. All non-swimmers
and children should wear a PFD at all times when
2. Passengers do not sit on gunwales, open decks,
elevated pedestal seats or on seat backs when
the boat is underway. This could cause them to be
thrown overboard during a sudden maneuver.
3. At least one other person knows how to oper ate
the boat in case of an emergency.
Boating Safety & Information - Section A
A - 8
As a responsible boater, you must comply with the
"Rules of the Road," the marine traffic laws enforced
by the US Coast Guard. Navigating a boat is much
the same as driving an automobile. Operating either
one responsibly means complying with a set of
Tow line
rules intended to prevent accidents. As in driving an
automobile, there are a few rules that must be known
First aid kit
if safe boating operation is to be maintained. Just as
you assume other drivers know what they are doing,
other boaters assume you know what you are doing.
Information regarding navigational rules and the
"Rules of the Road" are discussed in further detail in
A-15 of the this section.
The Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Department
of Natural Resources or your local boat club sponsor
courses in boat handling, including "rules of the road".
Such cours es are strongly recommended. Books on
this subject are also available from local libraries.
A - 9
When boating, it is important to be aware of the
weather around you. When the weather changes for
the worse, DO NOT jeopardize your safety by trying to
"ride out the storm". If possible, return to safe harbor
and dock your vessel immediately.
If caught in a storm, seek shelter inside the cabin and
wait for the storm to pass. With open bow models,
suntops and campers will provide some protec tion,
but should not be relied on if you are able to return to
shore. Exercise care when high winds are present!
DO NOT swim or dangle legs or arms into the
water during a lightning storm. Stay out of the
Lightning will seek a ground when it strikes. Avoid
contact with metal parts such as bow rails, control
handle, or windshield.
NOTICE: Scarab boats are not equipped with
a lightning protection system.



Owner's Manual Page 21


Table of Contents

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