Errornumber; Ready; Powersourceready; Cycleon - Kemppi A3 Integration Manual

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5.2.3 ErrorNumber

This 8-bit function represents a non-zero error code if there
is a warning or an error active in the system. Otherwise
the value is zero. The error number is an enumeration that
represents the reason for the error. Refer to the
Welder operating manual
for more information about
reasons for errors. See also the description for the Error
status signal. To clear this value, one must resolve the
error situation and reset the error by using the
control signal or from a user interface.
• The minimum value is 0 (no error).
• The maximum value is 255.
• The minimum step is 1.

5.2.4 Ready

This signal function indicates readiness of the welding
system. The main power supply must be turned on, the
system software booted up, the system bus properly
connected, and there are no active errors in the system.
• 0 = Welding system not ready.
• 1 = Welding system ready

5.2.5 PowerSourceReady

This signal function indicates the status of the power
source. The power source is ready to start welding when it
is not currently in use, when the robot has not requested
welding start and when crater fill is not active.
• 0 = Power source not ready yet for a new arc start
• 1 = Power source ready

5.2.6 CycleOn

This signal function indicates the status of the welding
cycle. The welding cycle starts at the beginning of the
pre-gas phase and ends at the end of the post-gas phase.
The signal indicates to the robot when it is safe to move
to the next position. However, the welding cycle does not
prevent starting of a new weld – a weld can be started
during the post-gas time.
• 0 = Welding cycle not active
• 1 = Welding cycle in progress

5.2.7 ArcOn

This signal function indicates the status of the welding arc.
• 0 = Arc not established
• 1 = Arc established

5.2.8 TouchSensed

This signal function indicates contact between the touch
tool and the welding piece. This feature is enabled and
disabled by the
selected by the
• 0 = Touch not detected
• 1 = Touch detected
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5.2.9 Error

This signal function indicates an error in the system (except
the gate door open error). The signal is on (1) for an error;
otherwise it is off (0). For warnings this signal remains off.
See the
For clearing this bit, the error situation must be resolved
and the error reset by means of the
from a user interface.

5.2.10 CollisionDetected

This signal function indicates the collision sensor status.
In addition to this function, a collision detection error
(Error 146 Collision
detected. The collision sensor must be on for this function
to take effect. When the collision sensor is switched off,
this signal is always 0.
signal. The touch tool is
A3 MIG Welder
description for more information.
• 0 = Warning or no error
• 1 = Error in system
detected) will be set when a collision is
• 0 = Collision sensor switch is open.
• 1 = Collision sensor switch is closed
signal or


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