About This Manual - Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch Ultra Product Manual

Table of Contents


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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Applications for touchscreens include:
Applications for touchscreens include:
Public Information Systems
Public Information Systems
• •
• •
Retail and Point-of-Sale
Retail and Point-of-Sale
• •
• •
Process Control
Process Control
• •
• •
Ticket and Lottery
Ticket and Lottery
• •
Simulation and Training
Simulation and Training
• •
• •
® ®
The IntelliTouch
The IntelliTouch
 Ultra™ product line is the state-of-the-art in patented surface
 Ultra™ product line is the state-of-the-art in patented surface
wave technology. A new and sophisticated chipset controller combined with new
wave technology. A new and sophisticated chipset controller combined with new
antiglare touchscreens makes IntelliTouch Ultra systems the clear choice in the
antiglare touchscreens makes IntelliTouch Ultra systems the clear choice in the
worst of environments, where the display is subjected to dust, splashing liquids,
worst of environments, where the display is subjected to dust, splashing liquids,
and other external contaminants.
and other external contaminants.
The IntelliTouch Ultra Model E284A touchscreen product line represents a
The IntelliTouch Ultra Model E284A touchscreen product line represents a
significant advancement in touchscreen systems. While maintaining the natural
significant advancement in touchscreen systems. While maintaining the natural
feel and ease of use of other Elo touchscreen products, the unsurpassed
feel and ease of use of other Elo touchscreen products, the unsurpassed
combination of clarity, resolution, durability, and reliability of the IntelliTouch
combination of clarity, resolution, durability, and reliability of the IntelliTouch
Ultra touchscreen system makes it ideal for public information kiosks, multimedia
Ultra touchscreen system makes it ideal for public information kiosks, multimedia
applications, and gaming applications.
applications, and gaming applications.
Other IntelliTouch Ultra products available include SecureTouch™ touchscreens,
Other IntelliTouch Ultra products available include SecureTouch™ touchscreens,
which provide ruggedness without sacrificing performance when used in public-
which provide ruggedness without sacrificing performance when used in public-
access kiosks located in high-threat environments. SecureTouch touchscreens will
access kiosks located in high-threat environments. SecureTouch touchscreens will
withstand repeated impacts from heavy objects and continue to operate despite
withstand repeated impacts from heavy objects and continue to operate despite
scratches that would disable other touchscreens. For bank ATM's and other
scratches that would disable other touchscreens. For bank ATM's and other
applications involving sensitive information, Elo's Privacy Touchscreen excludes
applications involving sensitive information, Elo's Privacy Touchscreen excludes
all viewing of the image except from a head-on position.
all viewing of the image except from a head-on position.
This manual provides the information you need to install and set up an Elo
This manual provides the information you need to install and set up an Elo
IntelliTouch touchscreen or TouchMonitor with its controller. In addition, this
IntelliTouch touchscreen or TouchMonitor with its controller. In addition, this
publication includes basic technical information about the touchscreen, available
publication includes basic technical information about the touchscreen, available
controllers, driver software, and troubleshooting information.
controllers, driver software, and troubleshooting information.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents