Chapter 2 - About Intellitouch Touchscreens; Introduction - Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch Ultra Product Manual

Table of Contents


About IntelliTouch Touchscreens
About IntelliTouch Touchscreens
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The IntelliTouch Touchscreen 
The IntelliTouch Touchscreen      8 8
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The IntelliTouch Controllers 
The IntelliTouch Controllers      10
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Driver Software 
Driver Software      10
The Elo IntelliTouch Ultra touchscreen system consists of a touchscreen and an
The Elo IntelliTouch Ultra touchscreen system consists of a touchscreen and an
electronic touchscreen controller. The IntelliTouch touchscreen is based on
electronic touchscreen controller. The IntelliTouch touchscreen is based on
patented surface wave technology. Surface waves are mechanical waves that
patented surface wave technology. Surface waves are mechanical waves that
propagate in the surface of materials such as glass. The touchscreen may be a flat,
propagate in the surface of materials such as glass. The touchscreen may be a flat,
spherical, or cylindrical glass panel. This panel is installed over the face of the
spherical, or cylindrical glass panel. This panel is installed over the face of the
display. Because there are no layers or coatings on the glass as with other
display. Because there are no layers or coatings on the glass as with other
technologies, the IntelliTouch touchscreen is extremely durable and allows a clear,
technologies, the IntelliTouch touchscreen is extremely durable and allows a clear,
sharp image.
sharp image.
Introduction      7 7
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Table of Contents

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