Power Connections; Bus Controller; Using The Busstat Utility - Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch Ultra Product Manual

Table of Contents


58 58
 Appendix A - Troubl

Bus Controller

Bus Controller
x A - Troubleshooting
eshooting Guide
Power Connections 
Power Connections 
Check for proper voltage (+5 Vdc) at the power connector P4 pin 1 (+) and pin 4
Check for proper voltage (+5 Vdc) at the power connector P4 pin 1 (+) and pin 4
(-) on the controller (see Figure B-1, page 67). If the LED is functioning (see
(-) on the controller (see Figure B-1, page 67). If the LED is functioning (see
page 62), the power supply is probably okay. To access this connector on the
page 62), the power supply is probably okay. To access this connector on the
external serial controller, disconnect the power, then remove the cover. Reconnect
external serial controller, disconnect the power, then remove the cover. Reconnect
the power cable and turn the unit on. There are no exposed electrical connections
the power cable and turn the unit on. There are no exposed electrical connections
in the controller that would be considered dangerous. Power is applied to the
in the controller that would be considered dangerous. Power is applied to the
controller through P4.
controller through P4.
If no power is present, measure the voltage at the power source, either a source
If no power is present, measure the voltage at the power source, either a source
from the display electronics, a DC-to-DC converter, or an AC power supply.
from the display electronics, a DC-to-DC converter, or an AC power supply.
The E281-4035 controller is shipped jumpered for a Base I/O Port address of 280
The E281-4035 controller is shipped jumpered for a Base I/O Port address of 280
(hex) and hardware interrupt 5 (IRQ5). See Appendix B for switch and jumper
(hex) and hardware interrupt 5 (IRQ5). See Appendix B for switch and jumper
If the system does not boot properly after you install the E281-4035 controller, try
If the system does not boot properly after you install the E281-4035 controller, try
removing the IRQ jumper if one was installed. If the system still does not boot, try
removing the IRQ jumper if one was installed. If the system still does not boot, try
changing the Base I/O Port address jumpers to another value, such as 380 hex.
changing the Base I/O Port address jumpers to another value, such as 380 hex.
Using the BUSSTAT Utility 
Using the BUSSTAT Utility 
BUSSTAT is a DOS utility included with most Elo driver software and available
BUSSTAT is a DOS utility included with most Elo driver software and available
on CompuServe or the Elo BBS. Use BUSSTAT to verify basic hardware
on CompuServe or the Elo BBS. Use BUSSTAT to verify basic hardware
functionality. Detailed instructions for using this utility can be found in the
functionality. Detailed instructions for using this utility can be found in the
  section of the
 section of the
under DOS, boot your PC from a DOS diskette before running BUSSTAT.
under DOS, boot your PC from a DOS diskette before running BUSSTAT.
BUSSTAT is a Polled Mode program and can be run even if no touchscreen
BUSSTAT is a Polled Mode program and can be run even if no touchscreen
driver is loaded and the IRQ is incorrect or not selected. Verify the Base I/O Port
driver is loaded and the IRQ is incorrect or not selected. Verify the Base I/O Port
address jumpers before using BUSSTAT.
address jumpers before using BUSSTAT.
Type "BUSSTAT" and specify your controller model and Base I/O Port address.
Type "BUSSTAT" and specify your controller model and Base I/O Port address.
BUSSTAT displays the switch and jumper settings for the controller and then
BUSSTAT displays the switch and jumper settings for the controller and then
unscaled touch coordinates when the touchscreen is touched. Compare the
unscaled touch coordinates when the touchscreen is touched. Compare the
displayed settings to those recommended in the software driver manual. If the
displayed settings to those recommended in the software driver manual. If the
Base I/O Port address is incorrect, BUSSTAT may display a continuous stream of 
Base I/O Port address is incorrect, BUSSTAT may display a continuous stream of 
data at a value of 4080 for both the X and Y values.
data at a value of 4080 for both the X and Y values.
If the hardware is functioning properly, untranslated (raw) coordinates will be
If the hardware is functioning properly, untranslated (raw) coordinates will be
returned at a constant rate only when the touchscreen is touched. If no data is
returned at a constant rate only when the touchscreen is touched. If no data is
displayed on touch, or if data is displayed when the touchscreen is not touched
displayed on touch, or if data is displayed when the touchscreen is not touched
(either continuously or intermittently), you may have a hardware problem. If data
(either continuously or intermittently), you may have a hardware problem. If data
 DOS and Windows Dri
 DOS and W
indows Driver Guide
ver Guide
. If you are not running
. If you are not running


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