NEC Electra Elite IPK II Pc Programming Manual
NEC Electra Elite IPK II Pc Programming Manual

NEC Electra Elite IPK II Pc Programming Manual

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Summary of Contents for NEC Electra Elite IPK II

  • Page 1 NOTICE Note that when converting this document from its original format to a .pdf file, some minor font and format changes may occur causing slight variations. When viewing and printing this document, we cannot guarantee that your specific PC or printer will support all of the fonts or graphics.
  • Page 2 PC P ROGRAMMING ANUAL I N T - 1 0 9 6 ( I P K I I ) O C U M E N T E V I S I O N...
  • Page 4 NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features at any time without notice. NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. has prepared this document for use by its employees and customers. The information contained herein is the property of NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. and shall not be reproduced without prior written approval of NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ___________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Installation Application Layout Menu ......................... 5 Toolbar ........................5 Submenu Area ......................5 Workspace ....................... 6 4.0.1 Title ........................6 4.0.2 Subtitle ....................... 6 4.0.3 Workspace Buttons ................... 7 4.0.4 Navigation Area ....................7 4.0.5 Data Area ......................
  • Page 7 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II ___________________________________________________________________________________ Class of Service for Telephones ................15 Department Groups ....................17 DID Translation Table ..................... 18 Night Mode Switching ..................... 21 8.0.1 Adding a Time Frame ..................23 8.0.2 Removing a Time Frame ................. 24 8.0.3...
  • Page 8 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Multi-Assign Account Codes ......................44 Call Appearance Keys .................... 45 2.0.1 Assigning the Same CAP Keys on All Telephones ......... 46 2.0.2 Assigning Unique CAP Number to Each Key ..........47 Extension Numbers ....................48 Function Keys ......................
  • Page 9 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II ___________________________________________________________________________________ Firmware Update ....................61 5.0.1 Accessing Firmware Update ................62 5.0.2 Using Firmware Update ................... 62 Firmware Package File ....................62 Schedule ........................62 Feature Activation ....................63 6.0.1 Accessing Feature Activation ................63 6.0.2...
  • Page 10 LIST OF FIGURES and taBles ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1 System Requirements ......................2 Table 2 Default PCPro Accounts ......................2 Table 3 Default Folders ........................3 Figure 1 PCPro Application Layout ...................... 4 Figure 2 PCPro Toolbar ........................5 Figure 3 PCPro Workspace ........................
  • Page 11 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 21 Wizard Programming ......................35 Figure 22 System Data Submenu ......................37 Figure 23 System Data Programming ....................38 Figure 24 System Data Copy ....................... 42 Figure 25 Multi-Assignment - Account Codes ..................44 Figure 26 Multi-Assignment - CAP Keys (Same) .................
  • Page 12: Introduction

    Generate reports that can be used to monitor settings. Automatically update KTS firmware remotely. Export settings to files for later use. Capture low level messages to problem solve through the Debug Terminal. Convert configurations from Electra Elite IPK to Electra Elite IPK II. PC Programming Manual...
  • Page 13: Installation

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Installation The process of installing PCPro is straight forward. Just run the installation program and follow the instructions. To install PCPro, the following system requirements should exist. Table 1 System Requirements Pentium III 598MHz (minimum) Pentium 4 2.5GHz (recommended)
  • Page 14 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 In addition, the installation program will create the following default folders: Table 3 Default Folders Folder Location Description Default folder where PCPro databases are My Databases <install dir>\databases saved. Default folder where PCPro Debug My Log files <install dir>\logfiles...
  • Page 15: Application Layout

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Application Layout The programming section of PCPro provides methods to view and edit values associated with a KTS configuration. Most programming is done via 3 different views: Standard, Wizard and System Data. These methods can be accessed through the menu item Programming.
  • Page 16: Menu

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 The menu displays the list of commands available in PCPro. Some of these commands have images next to them so you can quickly associate the command with the image. The full list of the PCPro menu hierarchy is found in 13 Menu &...
  • Page 17: Workspace

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II ORKSPACE The Workspace is where all programming occurs. The Workspace consists of various displays selections made from the Submenu Area and the Workspace itself. Common Workspace components are further explained. Figure 3 PCPro Workspace 4.0.1...
  • Page 18: Workspace Buttons

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 4.0.3 Workspace Buttons The Workspace buttons area displays different buttons relevant to current programming. These buttons include: Apply sets changes recently made on the active screen. Attempting to apply an invalid value prompts a validation Apply message detailing fault.
  • Page 19: Data Area

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Select the item from the drop down Selections list. PCPro will automatically move to the selected item. 1. Type in the item to move to. 2. Click to the Go button or press the enter key.
  • Page 20: Status Bar

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 TATUS The status bar, which is a horizontal area at the bottom of the Workspace, provides information about the current state of what you are viewing in the Workspace and any other contextual information.
  • Page 21: Standard View

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Standard View Standard View combines related settings into one screen, allowing a quick setup of a high level task. Settings on these screens work together, allowing users to understand how settings relate to each other. Standard screens are identified by their name. This name indicates what tasks the screen related to.
  • Page 22: Accessing Standard View

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 CCESSING TANDARD To access Standard View complete one of the following: Select the menu item Programming > Standard. or… Select the toolbar icon depicting the purple cog or… Press the ‘F9’ key. or…...
  • Page 23: Card Configuration

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II ONFIGURATION The screen represents a conceptual model of the KSU and the card packages within it. To obtain card details download the configuration from the KSU. The relevant card slots display the card type which they house, the telephone/trunk port range which the card uses and firmware version being used by the card.
  • Page 24: Card Types

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 ard Types 3.0.1 In PCPro card types are categorized under the following three groups. Card Type Color Id Sample Telephone Trunk Blue Other Green Trunk Represented on the Card Configuration screen as 'blue' cards. Trunk cards provide interfaces to lines such as PSTN, ISDN, T1, Tie, etc.
  • Page 25: Removing A Card

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Removing a Card 3.0.3 To remove a card, complete the following steps: With the mouse, right click on the card to remove. A popup menu will appear listing the card types that can be installed and the option to remove an existing card.
  • Page 26: Class Of Service For Telephones

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Specify a Class of Service to modify. Enable/Disable options for the class. Select a Night Mode. Select which DISA Users use this class during the selected Night Mode. Select which Tie Lines use this class during the selected Night Mode.
  • Page 27 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Figure 9 Standard View - Class of Service for Telephones Specify a Class of Service to modify. Enable/Disable options for the class. Select a Night Mode. Select which telephones use this class during the selected Night Mode.
  • Page 28: Department Groups

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Telephones Lists which telephones are members of the class during the selected Night Mode. These settings are linked with 20-06. EPARTMENT ROUPS This screen combines system data relevant to the KTS feature “Department Groups”.
  • Page 29: Did Translation Table

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Basic Settings Details basic characteristics of the selected Department Group. These settings are linked with 16-01. Primary Members Lists all extensions that are Primary Members of the selected Department Group. Every extension must belong to one of the 64 available Department Groups. By default, all extensions are Primary Members of Department Group 1.
  • Page 30 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Figure 11 Standard View - DID Translation Table Select and define a Table Area within the DID Translation Table. Specify the selected Table Area entries and how they are treated with DID. Select the Night Mode to modify for DID.
  • Page 31 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Figure 12 Standard View - DID Table Area When a Table Area is selected, the grid to the right will updated with the new entry range. For example, selecting Area 01, 1 Area (entry ranges 001~100) will result in the grid showing the DID Table entries 001 to 100.
  • Page 32: Night Mode Switching

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Trunk Group DID Settings Details Trunk Group specific DID settings. These settings are linked with 22-09. IGHT WITCHING This screen combines system data relevant to the KTS feature “Night Service”. To setup up a Night Mode Service Group complete the following: Figure 13 Standard View - Night Mode Switching Enable/disable users from activating Night Mode Service via a service code.
  • Page 33 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Assign a name per Night Mode. Define public holidays and the Schedule Pattern used by the Night Mode Service Group on these days. Select which trunks are members of the Night Mode Service Group.
  • Page 34: Adding A Time Frame

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Extensions Lists which extensions are members of the selected Night Mode Service Group. These settings are linked with 12-05. 8.0.1 Adding a Time Frame To add a time frame in a Schedule Pattern complete the following:...
  • Page 35: Removing A Time Frame

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Figure 15 Standard View - Night Mode Switching Mode Colors 8.0.2 Removing a Time Frame To remove a time frame, select it then drag it either left or right off the Schedule Pattern bar. Alternatively select the time frame and press the ‘Delete’...
  • Page 36: Modifying A Time Frame

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 8.0.4 Modifying a Time Frame To modify a time frame in a Schedule Pattern complete the following: Select the time frame to modify. Place the cursor at the top/bottom of the time frame until it changes appearance.
  • Page 37: Incoming Ring Groups

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II NCOMING ROUPS This screen combines system data relevant to the KTS feature “Incoming Ring Groups”. To setup up an Incoming Ring Group complete the following: Figure 16 Standard View - Incoming Ring Groups For each trunk, specify which Incoming Ring Group it will be a member of.
  • Page 38: System Timer Classes

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 10.0 YSTEM IMER LASSES This screen combines system data relevant to KTS Timer Classes. Timer Classes detail sets of operation times. Trunks and extensions can be assigned as members of these classes for each of the system Night Modes. To setup up a...
  • Page 39: Trunk Access Map

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Night Mode Assign when trunks and extension are class members via this Night Mode selection. Do this by completing the following: Select a Night Mode. Select which trunks and extensions, during this Night Mode, are class members.
  • Page 40 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Specify a Trunk Access Map to modify. Specify the access type for each trunk. Select a Night Mode. Select which extensions use the Trunk Access Map during the selected Night Mode. Trunks Specify access to trunks for extensions using the Trunk Access Map. To modify the access type, right click the trunk then select an access type from the popup menu.
  • Page 41: Trunk Groups

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II 12.0 RUNK ROUPS This screen combines system data relevant to Trunk Groups. Trunk Groups prioritize the use of a group of trunks. Priority of Trunk Groups can be done via the Route Table. A Route Table entry can then be used by trunks and extensions.
  • Page 42 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 To assign which extensions and trunks use the Route Table Entry, complete the following: Select a Route Table entry and select a Night Mode. Select which extensions, during this Night Mode, use the Route Table entry via the Trunk Access Code.
  • Page 43 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Night Mode Assign when extensions and trunks use the Route Table entry via this Night Mode selection. Do this by completing the following: Select a Night Mode. Select which telephones and trunks, during this Night Mode, use the Route Table entry.
  • Page 44: Wizards

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Wizards Wizards chronologically group System Data guiding users in the successful setup of a KTS feature. Wizards are identified by their name. This name indicates the feature to which the Wizard is related.
  • Page 45: Accessing Wizard View

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II CCESSING IZARD To access Wizard View complete one of the following: Select the menu item Programming > Wizards. or… Select the toolbar icon depicting the wand or… Press the ‘F10’ key. or… If the Programming submenu area is currently open, select the tab below depicting the wand icon.
  • Page 46: Using Wizards

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 SING IZARDS To complete a Wizard do the following: Figure 21 Wizard Programming Select the Wizard from the Wizard View Menu. Modify the desired settings on the screen. Navigate to the next screen in the Wizard to modify.
  • Page 47: System Data

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II System Data System Data represent KTS settings as per the categorization used by main software. This categorization separates settings into System Data items called ‘PRGs’. PRGs are identified by their ID and name. The ID and name indicate what settings the System Data is related to.
  • Page 48 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Figure 22 System Data Submenu System Data...
  • Page 49: Accessing System Data View

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II CCESSING YSTEM To access System Data View complete one of the following: Select the menu item Programming > System Data2. or… Select the toolbar icon depicting the blue block or… Press the ‘F11’ key.
  • Page 50 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Select a PRG from the System Data View Menu. Modify the desired settings on the screen. Apply changes. When programming system data, changes are applied: Whenever the Apply button is pressed. Whenever the user changes the system data item link.
  • Page 51: Modification History

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Modification History PCPro keeps a record of all the modifications made to a database file. This record is known as the Modification History. PCPro also provides the user with the ability to view this history list.
  • Page 52 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 The modification state of a PCPro database is indicated via the modification icon on the Status Bar. The different states are: The database is not modified. All data has been saved to file and uploaded.
  • Page 53: Copy

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Copy The system data copy function allows copying of data from one item to another (e.g. one trunk to another). This copy only applies to single PRG. Copy only appears on screens where it is applicable. To copy an item, complete the following:...
  • Page 54 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Source The source shows the item being copied from. Only a single source item can be selected. Destination The destination details the item being copied to. Multiple destination items can be selected. Elements Specify what settings should be copied from the source to each destination.
  • Page 55: Multi-Assign

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Multi-Assign To shorten the time needed to program certain system data PCPro provided a series of special purpose dialogs. These dialogs enable the user to set multiple values with ease. CCOUNT ODES The Account Codes multi-assignment dialog enables the user to set a range of accounts codes.
  • Page 56: Call Appearance Keys

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Example To assign BINs 001 ~ 010 with account codes 00001 ~ 00019 in increments of 2: Place a 1 in the Begin at Verified Account Code Bin edit box. Place a 10 in the End at Verified Account Code Bin edit box.
  • Page 57: Assigning The Same Cap Keys On All Telephones

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II 2.0.1 Assigning the Same CAP Keys on All Telephones In this mode, the same CAP keys will appear on all the selected telephones. To assign a group of telephones follow the steps below:...
  • Page 58: Assigning Unique Cap Number To Each Key

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Click the Assign Free CAP button. You will see function keys 1~8 given the values 0010 ~ 0017. Click the Apply button to trigger the assignment. The result will be… Ext 101 Ext 102...
  • Page 59: Extension Numbers

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Example To setup extensions 101 ~105 to have unique CAP keys across function keys 1~8 follow the steps below: This example assumes CAP numbers 0010 and onwards are not used and the CAP number 0010 is the first free call appearance number).
  • Page 60 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Figure 28 Multi-Assignment - Extension Numbers To assign a group of ports with extension numbers follow the steps below: Select what type of extensions you want to apply. Specify the port range over which to iterate.
  • Page 61: Function Keys

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II The extension numbers must validate against the numbering plan setup in PRG 11-01. In addition, duplicate extension number cannot exits. In this case, free the extension numbers by assigning blank to the ports using those extension numbers.
  • Page 62 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Example To setup extensions 101 ~105 to have function keys 1~8 set as Trunk Keys 10~18 follow the steps below: Select extensions 101 to 105 from the telephone list. Tick function keys 1 to 8 (i.e. tick all items in the first row of function keys).
  • Page 63: Communications

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Communications The Communications section of PCPro provides methods for the application to communicate with KTS. These methods can be accessed through the menu item ‘Communications’. ONNECT ISCONNECT Makes/breaks a connection session between PCPro and a KTS. This option changes its functionality depending on the connection status of PCPro.
  • Page 64: Accessing Connect

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 1.0.1 Accessing Connect Connecting PCPro to a KTS is done within the Connect dialog. While PCPro is disconnected from a KTS access the Connect dialog via either of the following: Select the menu item Communications >...
  • Page 65: Connection Types

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Select a Connection Type. Specify settings relevant to the Connection Type. Specify the User Name and Password used to allow the connection. Press the Connect button. Alternatively, steps 1~3 can be skipped loading a defined connection...
  • Page 66: Disconnecting

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 1.0.3 Disconnecting While PCPro is connected to a KTS complete either of the following: Select the menu item Communications > Connect/Disconnect or… Select the icon depicting the connected black and yellow plugs or…...
  • Page 67: Using Download

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II 2.0.2 Using Download Within the Download Dialog, perform a download by completing the following: Figure 32 Download Dialog Select a Transfer Type. Select Transfer Type items. If desired, select items via the Modify Filter.
  • Page 68: Transfer Type Items

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Transfer Type Items Specifically select PRG Groups and/or individual PRGs from the KTS’ settings to download. The choice of Transfer Type Items available is governed by the Transfer Type selected. Modify Filters Applies a filter based on the system data modification status. The filter only applies to system data on the PCPro side, not system data residing in KTS memory.
  • Page 69: Using Upload

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II 3.0.2 Using Upload Within the Upload dialog, perform an upload by completing the following: Figure 33 Upload Dialog Select a Transfer Type. Select Transfer Type items. If desired, select items via the Modify Filter.
  • Page 70: Transfer Type Items

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Transfer Type Items Specifically select PRG Groups and/or individual PRGs from the KTS’ settings to upload. The choice of Transfer Type Items available is governed by the Transfer Type selected. Modify Filters Applies a filter based on the system data modification status. The filter only applies to system data on the PCPro side, not system data residing in KTS memory.
  • Page 71: System Initialization Types

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II 4.0.2 System Initialization Types Within the System Initialization Dialog, there are two types of initialization. Initialization Initialization resets the KTS and loads all system data with factory default values. As a result all previously modified values are lost.
  • Page 72: Firmware Update

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 IRMWARE PDATE Firmware Update automatically updates a KTS’ main software remotely at a scheduled time. This feature saves times and effort in comparison to performing the task manually. A Firmware Update can only occur when PCPro is connected to a KTS.
  • Page 73: Accessing Firmware Update

    Schedule when the Firmware Update will occur. Press the ‘Start’ button. Firmware Package File Select a Firmware package file provided by NEC. Updating a KTS with a faulty Firmware page file could render the system unusable. Schedule Schedule when the Firmware update will occur. The changes of the Firmware Update will only occur after the KTS is reset.
  • Page 74: Feature Activation

    Automatic Activation Automatic Activation requires PCPro to have an Internet connection, to communicate the NEC Product Activation Server. The Product Activation Server by request provides PCPro with Activation Codes. To activate a feature automatically, complete the following:...
  • Page 75 Specify the Serial Number for the features you with to activate. Press the ‘Activate’ button. PCPro will then begin the activation process. This process consists of: PCPro will attempt to contact the NEC Product Activation server on Ì the internet.
  • Page 76: Manual Activation

    Press the ‘Activate’ button. Associate Number An Associate Number identifies the dealer requesting the Feature Activation. This unique ID is provided by NEC. Technician ID A Technician ID helps identify which individual from the dealer is requesting the Feature Activation. Definition and usage of Technician IDs is optional and is the responsibility of the Dealer.
  • Page 77: Activating At A Later Time

    Electra Elite IPK II Serial Number The Serial Number is a code identifying the KTS’ unique instance of a feature. Serial Numbers are provided by NEC. Activation Code Activation Codes enable the use of a feature on a KTS. Activation Codes are provided by the Activation Server.
  • Page 78: Debug Terminal

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Debug Terminal PCPro provides a debug terminal that can be used to capture trace logs from the CPU package of the KTS. The debug terminal communicates with the KTS via the LAN. A TCP connection on port 5963 is established between the debug terminal and the KTS.
  • Page 79: Connection Accounts

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Connection Accounts Connection Accounts provide a convenient way of loading user defined connection settings. They are application wide settings. Connection Accounts can be created in two ways: Via the Connect dialog Via the Connection Accounts dialog...
  • Page 80: Creating From The Connection Accounts Dialog

    Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 When viewing the Connect dialog, select a Connection Type. Specify settings relevant to the Connection Type. Specify the User Name and Password used to allow the connection. Press the Save or Save As button.
  • Page 81: Menu & Toolbar Reference

    Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Menu & Toolbar Reference Submenu Level 1 Shortcut Key Menu Item Submenu Level 1 Item Toolbar Icon Item Sequence File Ctrl + N Ctrl + O Open… Ctrl + S Save Save As…...
  • Page 82 Electra Elite IPK II Document Revision 1 Submenu Level 1 Shortcut Key Menu Item Submenu Level 1 Item Toolbar Icon Item Sequence Programming Standard Wizards System Data Search Card Configuration Time Settings… Account Codes… Multi-Assign Call Appearance… Extension Numbers… Function Keys…...
  • Page 83 Document Revision 1 Electra Elite IPK II Submenu Level 1 Shortcut Key Menu Item Submenu Level 1 Item Toolbar Icon Item Sequence Tools ARS Simulator Simulators Call Appearance Keys Reports Class of Service Maintenance… Modification History Numbering Plan System Configuration System Data…...
  • Page 85 PC P R O G R A M M I N G A N U A L N E C U n i f i e d S o l u t i o n s , I n c . D o c u m e n t R e v i s i o n 1...

Table of Contents