Key And Indicator Descriptions - Printronix SLPA7000e Training Manual And Reference Manual

Smart label printer applicator
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Key and Indicator Descriptions

Key and Indicator Descriptions
For the locations of these keys and indicators, refer to Figure 13 on page 23.
Online Status Indicator
The SLPA is online when the Online status indicator light is on. When the
SLPA is offline, the light is off.
Pause Key
When the SLPA is online or in Menu mode, the Pause key takes the SLPA
offline (offline mode) and suspends all SLPA operations, but operations do
not cease until the current print or apply cycles have been completed. When
the SLPA is offline, the operator may make mechanical adjustments to the
SLPA, clear assembly line jams, etc., without powering off the system.
When the SLPA is offline, the Pause key places the SLPA back online (online
NOTE: The SLPA may automatically take itself offline in several situations
Print Key
When the SLPA is online, the Print key prints a label and feeds it to the
applicator pad if there is a label configuration in the SLPA's print buffer. If no
label pattern exists in the buffer, it will not function.
In Menu mode, the – (decrease) key scrolls left through current menu options
or decreases option values in submenus.
NOTE: The Print key has no effect when the SLPA is offline.
Feed Key
When the SLPA is online, the Feed key advances the media one label length.
if the print buffer is currently empty. If the system is printing labels from the
buffer, this key will not function until the batch is done printing.
In Menu mode, the ↑ (up arrow) key scrolls the current menu selection one
level up.
NOTE: The Feed key has no effect when the SLPA is offline.
Apply Key
When the SLPA is online, the Apply key cycles the applicator as though the
SLPA was triggered by the product sensor. The cylinder extends to place the
label and a new label prints and is placed on the pad upon its return to the
home position.
In Menu mode, the + (increase) key scrolls right through current menu options
or increases option values in submenus.
(e.g., out of labels, after recovering from a fault, etc.).


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