Manual Override Zero Point Calibration To Set the Zero Point Preventive Maintenance Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Assembly Ground Control TT OCTP Leveling Components Ground Control TT OCTP Leveling Components Ground Control TT OCTP Leveling Components Ground Control TT OCTP Leveling Components...
Any attempts to change tires or perform other service while trailer is supported by the Ground Control TT Leveling system could result in damage to the trailer and/or cause death or serious injury. People and pets should be clear of the trailer while the leveling system is operated. Never lift the trailer completely off the ground.
Power Tongue Jack will automatically retract. NOTE: Be sure the leg of the Power Tongue Jack (Fig. 1A) is fully retracted prior to moving the tow vehicle. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Page 4 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
NOTE: Ensure the foot pad of the Power Tongue Jack is pinned securely in place with the clevis pin and hairpin cotter pin. Disconnect any wires, chains, or sway control that may be equipped between the tow vehicle and the trailer. Unlatch the trailer coupler. Page 5 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Back the tow vehicle into position to align the tow vehicle hitch and trailer coupler with each other. Press and hold the "DOWN" arrow to retract the tongue jack until the coupler sets into position on top of the tow vehicle hitch. Page 6 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Power Button - Turns touch panel on and off. Auto Level - Starts the Auto Level sequence. Auto Hitch - Returns trailer to previous hitch height for reconnecting to tow vehicle. Page 7 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
While in Standard Mode (Fig. 4), use the arrows (Fig. 4B) to scroll to Manual Mode (Fig. 4G). Hit "ENTER" (Fig. 4H). Front and rear jacks can be operated in Manual Mode. The Power Tongue Jack cannot be operated in Manual Mode. Fig. 7 Manual Mode Page 8 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Press the “ON/OFF” button (Fig. 4L) if the OneControl Touch Panel is not on. Press "MyRV Control Panel" on the main screen (Fig. 5A). Press the "Leveler" icon (Fig. 6A). Press “AUTO LEVEL” (Fig. 4M). Page 9 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
NOTE: Press the "RETRACT" button and then press and hold the "FRONT" button until the Power Tongue Jack fully retracts. NOTE: To utilize the Power Tongue Jack for the hitching process see "Operation - Power Tongue Jack." Page 10 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Extend - Extends jacks in several modes. Jacks available will be highlighted in blue. Auto Level - Starts the Auto Level sequence. Auto Hitch - Returns trailer to previous hitch height for reconnecting to tow vehicle. Page 11 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
The screen will show the system menu (Fig. 9) for Standard Mode. The Power Tongue Jack can be extended/retracted in Standard Mode. Front and rear jacks cannot be operated in Standard Mode. Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Page 12 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
NOTE: If the jacks will not operate individually using the method described above, but they operate properly when Auto Level is performed, the Twist Prevention Protection system has locked out the operation to prevent damage to the frame of the trailer. Page 13 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
OneControl Touch Panel or App; e.g., "FRONT" button operates only the front jacks, etc. (See "Operation - OneControl Touch Panel" or "Operation - OneControl App" in this manual). Page 14 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Mode, the Linc remote will operate the jacks in a similar fashion as the OneControl, with the exception of operating individual jacks. Jacks will operate in pairs. (See "Operation - OneControl Touch Panel"). Page 15 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
14B) or "REAR" (Fig. 14G) button depending on which pair of jacks need to be operated. Unhitching From A Tow Vehicle NOTE: Prior to unhitching from the tow vehicle, ensure trailer is parked on a level surface and chock the tires of the trailer. Page 16 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Error - Refer to OneControl Touch Panel screen or the Leveling App for the Blinking Red specific error, then consult the Troubleshooting section of this manual to clear the error. Page 17 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
LEVEL IN THIS incline during auto level. The front LOCATION. PLEASE Relocate the trailer. cannot be leveled and the front jacks RELOCATE RV TO are already fully retracted. FLATTER TERRAIN” Page 18 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Check harness for damage. Left-Rear Jack Fault loss of communication); open or Right-Rear Jack Fault short circuit between controller and motor. Check fuses at controller. Tongue Jack Fault Repair or replace as necessary. Page 19 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Place 3/4" socket wrench over the manual override nut (Fig. 21A) and turn the override nut until the jack extends or retracts to desired position. Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Page 20 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Page 21
Remove the crank handle (Fig. 29). Replace the rubber plug (Fig. 28A). NOTE: Be sure the leg (Fig. 27B) of the Power Tongue Jack is fully retracted prior to moving the tow vehicle. Page 21 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
Remove dirt, road debris and grease from jacks as needed. Then lightly lubricate the jack screw and wipe off any excess lubrication, leaving only a thin coating. Page 23 Rev: 11.13.2017 Ground Control TT Leveling OCTP Owner's...
GROUND CONTROL TT LEVELING OCTP ASSEMBLY LEVELING AND STABILIZATION Power TT Leveling Leveling Jack (x2 or x4) Tongue Jack Label Hall Effect Jack; Right Rear Hall Effect Unity Level Up Label Jack; Left Rear Tongue Jack Crank Handle Ground Control Label...
GROUND CONTROL TT OCTP LEVELING COMPONENTS LEVELING AND STABILIZATION TT leveling Component Kit - 4 Powerstance Jack Setup SE - Part #438740 Callout Part # Description 421366 Power Tongue Jack 305339 Hall Effect Jack; Left Rear 12.5" Stroke 344792 Hall Effect Jack; Right Rear 12.5" Stroke 404488 26"...
GROUND CONTROL TT OCTP LEVELING COMPONENTS LEVELING AND STABILIZATION Callout Part # Description 425585 4 Pin Pigtail Harness 305115 Hall Effect Right Rear Sensor Harness 306298 Hall Effect Left Rear Sensor Harness 307489 Hall Effect Right Front Sensor Harness 307490...
GROUND CONTROL TT OCTP LEVELING COMPONENTS LEVELING AND STABILIZATION Callout Part # Description 423094 Leveling Sensor 433633 Green Controller SE 433632 Blue Controller HD 421483 Yellow Controller 675725 Leveling Sensor Mounting Plate 425306 Auto Leveling Control Touch Panel 406345 OneControl Touch Panel Use in conjunction with (4) 26"...
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The contents of this manual are proprietary and copyright protected by Lippert Components, Inc. (“LCI”). LCI prohibits the copying or dissemination of portions of this manual unless prior written consent from an authorized LCI representative has been provided. Any unauthorized use shall void any applicable warranty. ...
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