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NORCAL 2N2/XX Assembly Manual page 2


This is the assembly manual for the NORCAL 2N2/XX transceiver designed by Jim Kortge, K8IQY.
A great deal of effort has gone into the design of the rig and this manual to assure that the kit you are
about to build will work properly. This is not a beginning builders kit. It has a great many parts (over
300) and assumes the builder has some working knowledge of electronics and electronic parts. To
successfully build this transceiver, one needs to be able to understand and follow a schematic diagram,
convert resistor and molded inductor value call outs to the equivalent color code, and be able to
recognize various capacitor types. In addition, one needs to be able to read and understand this manual,
follow the instructions correctly, and work carefully.
A common assembly manual is used for all 2N2/XX rigs, therefore, no parts values are given in this
manual, only part designators. This assembly manual is used with the band specific Bill of Material
(BOM) and schematic diagram to identify the part values being installed. The schematic diagram for
each band contains the actual part value for each designator. Using this approach encourages the
builder to become familiar with the schematic diagram of the 2N2/XX transceiver being built so that
he/she is familiar with the design of the rig should any troubleshooting be necessary. However, if all of
the parts are installed in their correct locations, the rig will perform as designed and no troubleshooting
will be required!
With that thought in mind, go slowly and double check your work to avoid having to remove either an
incorrect part or a correct part installed in the wrong location on the PC board (PCB). As a
suggestion, make a 2X size copy of the schematic diagram. While you are building, check off the parts
installed in the brackets [ ] provided in this manual, while also highlighting the part on the schematic as
a cross check. When you are done building, all of the parts shown on the schematic should be
highlighted. (On 40-meters, the Receive RF Amplifier stage is not built, so those parts will not be
A parts overlay page is included in the Appendix. This page will show how the various transformers
and trimmer capacitors are to be mounted. An "F" designates the "flat side" of a trimmer capacitor
(TCx designation). When mounting a wound transformer, the primary ("Pri" notation) is always the
winding with the most turns. The secondary ("Sec" notation) is the winding with the fewer or equal
number of turns, if the transformer is a bifilar type. Transformer T5 is somewhat unique, as it has two
secondaries, a 3-turn and a 1-turn. The primary is connected to the locations marked "P" as shown on
the overlay, the 3-turn secondary to "S1" on the overlay, and the 1-turn secondary to "S2" on the
overlay. All transformers having several turns for the primary and fewer turns for the secondary can be
wound with the secondary interleaved between the primary winding turns from approximately centered
on the primary winding to near the end where its leads will be soldered to the appropriate pads on the
PCB. The location is not critical. An examination of the various figures supplied will illustrate this
This manual is structured to build a section and then test it to assure it is working correctly, before
moving on. Space is also provided at the end of each test section to write down your measurements and
observations. You are encouraged to do this as it will help later on if you run into problems or need
assistance. Using this approach promotes confidence the end product will work, since all of the
previous stages worked. If you build a section and it doesn't work properly, do not continue on,



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