How to use the Touch controller ........... 10 reverting to the previously used software version....50 Factory reset ................51 may we recommend that you visit the Cisco web site regularly Using the web interface ............11 remote support user ............52 for updated versions of this guide.
Initial configurations required to get the system up and endpoints/telepresence-system-ex-series/tsd-products- running support-series-home.html • Administering TC Endpoints on CUCM: Tasks to perform to start using the product with the Cisco Unified Communications manager (CUCm) • Administrator guide (this guide): Information required to administer your product •...
Click Browse... and find the downloaded .pkg file that contains the new software. Release key If you do not have the required key(s), contact your Cisco ii. Check the Upgrade automatically after upload check representative to obtain them. you need a valid release key to be able to use the video...
Set the auto answer mode. Use the Conference AutoAnswer Delay setting if you want the Cisco TelePresence Server using the video system's interfaces (not available from the TrC5 system to wait a number of seconds before answering the call, and use the Conference remote control and on-screen display).
(mCU). rate or to high resolution for the presentation source. If registered to a Cisco Unified Communications manager (CUCm) version 8.6.2 or newer, the video system can use either the CUCm conference bridge, or the video system's own built-in Requires user role: ADmIn multiSite feature.
Network [1..1] DHCP RequestTFTPServerAddress Enter the static IPv6 network address for the system. This setting is only applicable when the This setting is used only for video systems that are registered to a Cisco Unified network IPv6 Assignment is set to Static.
Set the network traffic control mode to decide how to control the video packets transmission Set the Peap (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) mode. Authenticates lAn clients speed. without the need for client certificates. Developed by microsoft, Cisco and rSA Security. Requires user role: ADmIn Requires user role: ADmIn Value space: <off/on>...
Requires user role: ADmIn Value space: <Auto/manual/off> Auto: The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), if available, assigns an id to the voice VlAn. If CDP is not available, VlAn is not enabled. Manual: The VlAn ID is set manually using the network VlAn Voice VlanId setting. If CDP is available, the manually set value will be overruled by the value assigned by CDP.
Example: NetworkServices Medianet Metadata NetworkServices SNMP Mode Switch on or off the capability to tag media flows with metadata related to the Cisco medianet deployment. SnmP (Simple network management Protocol) is used in network management systems to monitor network-attached devices (routers, servers, switches, projectors, etc) for conditions Requires user role: ADmIn that warrant administrative attention.
SnmP Agent in the codec. The default password is "public". Requires user role: ADmIn If you have the Cisco TelePresence management Suite (TmS) you must make sure the same SnmP Community is configured there too. noTE: The SnmP Community password is case Value space: <off/on>...
NetworkServices CTMS Encryption This setting indicates whether or not the video system supports encryption when participating in a multiparty meeting controlled by a Cisco TelePresence multipoint Switch (CTmS). CTmS allows three security settings for meetings: non-secure (not encrypted), best effort (encrypted if all participants support encryption, otherwise not encrypted) and secure (always encrypted).
If the number of connected touch panels does not match this setting, the diagnostics service will report it as an inconsistency. note that only one Cisco Touch controller is supported in this version. Requires user role: ADmIn Value space: <notSet/minimum1/0/1/2/3/4/5>...
VCS: Select VCS if the phonebook is located on the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server. TMS: Select TmS if the phonebook is located on the Cisco TelePresence management Suite server. Callway: Select Callway if the phonebook is to be provided by the WebEx TelePresence subscription service (formerly called CallWay).
Select the HTTP method to be used for the provisioning. Auto: The provisioning server will automatically be selected by the video system. Requires user role: ADmIn TMS: The video system will be configured using TmS (Cisco TelePresence management System). Value space: <GET/PoST>...
Value space: <S: 0, 64> Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters. only applicable when the endpoint is provisioned by Cisco Unified Communication manager (CUCm) and an alternate CUCm is available for redundancy. Enter the address of the alternate Provisioning ExternalManager Domain: ""...
SerialPort settings SerialPort Mode Enable/disable the serial port. you will need a console cable made for the purpose. A description is found on Cisco Support Forum. make a search for "making a Console Cable and Consoling In". Requires user role: ADmIn Value space: <off/on>...
Page 97
Off: Connect to the single proxy configured first in Proxy Address list. On: Set up multiple outbound connections to servers in the Proxy Address list. Standard: Use this when registering to standard SIP Proxy (tested with Cisco TelePresence VCS and Broadsoft)
Setting passwords Appendices Experimental settings The Experimental settings are for testing only and should not be used unless agreed with Cisco. These settings are not documented and WIll change in later releases. D14726.15 EX Series Administrator Guide TC7.2, AUGUST 2014.
Cisco TMS Provisioning Deployment Guide to find in this guide. Examples showing either the default value or an how to upload the file to Cisco TmS, and how to set the example value are included. desired values for the parameters to be provisioned. If not set by Cisco TmS, the default values will be used.
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• IP downspeeding Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco’s trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the •...
Setting passwords Appendices Appendices User documentation on the Cisco web site In general, user documentation for the Cisco TelePresence products is available here: The documents are organized in the following categories: Installation guides: ► Install and Upgrade > Install and Upgrade Guides you have to choose your product category in the right pane until you find your product.
DoCUmEnT FIlES AnD SoFTWArE oF THESE SUPPlIErS ArE ProVIDED “AS IS” WITH All FAUlTS. CISCo AnD THE ABoVE- on our web site you will find an overview of the worldwide Cisco contacts. nAmED SUPPlIErS DISClAIm All WArrAnTIES, EXPrESSED Go to: ►...
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