Chapter 5. Main Menu; Live View; Snapshot] Button - Beward N 13102 Operation User's Manual

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The main menu consists of two panes. The left pane contains [Setting], [Client setting],
and [Image setup] menu. (Pic. 5.1).
The right pane contains the "Live View" window, which displays real-time camera image.
Also, this pane contains the following buttons: [Snapshot], [Fullscreen], [Open digital zoom],
[Start record], [Microphone], [Pause], [Play/Stop], and [Volume] (Pic. 5.1). These functions are
discussed later in this Manual.

5.1. Live View

This pane displays real-time camera image and allows you to control it.

5.1.1. [Snapshot] Button

This button allows you to save snapshots from your camera to your computer. To do so,
click the icon
and specify the path where you want to save the snapshot.
N13102 Operations User Manual

Chapter 5. Main Menu

Pic. 5.1
Chapter 5. Main Menu


Table of Contents

Table of Contents