Hazard Flash; Resume; Valet Mode - Vision 1480 Series Owner's Manual

Digi-link factory keyless upgrade security
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times (depending on the car) when shock sensor Warning Chirps are trig-


RESUME is a form of State Memory that remembers if the system was
Armed or Disarmed when the main power is cut. When power is restored,
the 1480 will power-up Disarmed if it was disarmed in its previous state. If
originally Armed, it will power-up Armed and with the siren blaring.

Valet Mode

Valet mode shuts down all functions of the security system, ensuring the
siren will never trigger. Valet Mode is useful when you must hand over
your car keys to a valet or car maintenance technician, so there is no worry
they will trigger the siren by accident.
Activation: With the Ignition switched OFF and the 1480
Disarmed, press and hold the Program Switch for more
mediately light. But the LED will turn OFF after about 5s.)
When the LED turns OFF, release the Program Switch.
Deactivation: Press and hold the Program Switch again for 5s, until the LED
turns OFF. Security features are now restored. (You may also hear 2 quick
will not receive any indication of being in Valet Mode. The security
system will be completely turned off. This also means that someone
could break into your car. Our company accepts no liability whatsoever
if your car is stolen or vandalized or its contents stolen due to your hav-
ing entered Valet Mode. You use this feature at your own security risk.
© 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 K I R A M E K , I N C .
Push 5s


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