D-Link DWL-8600AP Administrator's Manual

D-Link DWL-8600AP Administrator's Manual

Unified access point (ap)
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Unified Access Point (AP)
Administrator's Guide
Product Model :
Unified Wired & Wireless Access System
Release 1.0
December 2009
©Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for D-Link DWL-8600AP

  • Page 1 Unified Access Point (AP) Administrator’s Guide DWL-8600AP Product Model : Unified Wired & Wireless Access System Release 1.0 December 2009 ©Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
  • Page 2 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 ABLE OF ONTENTS Section 1: About This Document ..................11 Document Organization..........................11 Additional Documentation......................... 11 Document Conventions ..........................12 Online Help, Supported Browsers, and Limitations ................13 Section 2: Getting Started....................14 Administrator’s Computer Requirements....................15 Wireless Client Requirements ........................
  • Page 4 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Link Integrity Monitoring ........................33 Viewing Neighboring Access Points ......................34 Viewing Managed AP DHCP Information....................36 Section 4: Managing the Access Point ................37 Ethernet Settings ............................37 Wireless Settings............................40 Using the 802.11h Wireless Mode......................42 Modifying Radio Settings...........................43 Virtual Access Point Settings........................46...
  • Page 5 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Section 6: Configuring SNMPv3 ..................77 Configuring SNMPv3 Views ........................77 Configuring SNMPv3 Groups........................78 Configuring SNMPv3 Users ........................80 Configuring SNMPv3 Targets........................81 Section 7: Maintaining the Access Point.................82 Saving the Current Configuration to a Backup File ................82 Restoring the Configuration from a Previously Saved File..............
  • Page 6 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Viewing Current Channel Assignments and Setting Locks ..............109 Viewing the Last Proposed Set of Changes ..................109 Configuring Advanced Settings ......................109 Viewing Wireless Neighborhood Information ..................110 Viewing Details for a Cluster Member ....................113 Appendix A: Default AP Settings................... 114 Appendix B: Configuration Examples................
  • Page 7 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 IST OF IGURES Figure 1: Administrator UI Online Help ......................13 Figure 2: Viewing Interface Status ........................27 Figure 3: Viewing Events ..........................28 Figure 4: Persistent Logging Options......................29 Figure 5: Log Relay Host ..........................30 Figure 6: Viewing Traffic Statistics........................
  • Page 8 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 34: Client QoS Status...........................101 Figure 35: Cluster Information and Member Configuration ................104 Figure 36: Session Management ........................106 Figure 37: Channel Management........................108 Figure 38: Wireless Neighborhood........................111 Figure 39: Details for a Cluster Member AP....................113...
  • Page 9 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 IST OF ABLES Table 1: Typographical Conventions ......................12 Table 2: Requirements for the Administrator’s Computer................15 Table 3: Requirements for Wireless Clients ....................16 Table 4: Basic Settings Page......................... 20 Table 5: CLI Commands for Ethernet Setting....................23 Table 6: CLI Commands for the 802.1X Supplicant ..................
  • Page 10 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 34: SNTP Settings..........................76 Table 35: SNMPv3 Views ..........................78 Table 36: SNMPv3 Groups ..........................79 Table 37: SNMP v3 Users..........................80 Table 38: SNMPv3 Targets ..........................81 Table 39: VAP QoS Parameters ........................88 Table 40: ACL Configuration..........................90 Table 41: DiffServ Class Map ..........................95...
  • Page 11: Section 1: About This Document

    S e c t io n 1 : A b o ut Th i s D o c u m e n t ® This guide describes setup, configuration, administration and maintenance for the D-Link Unified Access Point (UAP) on a wireless network.
  • Page 12: Document Conventions

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 OCUMENT ONVENTIONS This section describes the conventions this document uses. Note: A note provides more information about a feature or technology and cross-references to related topics. Caution! A caution provides information about critical aspects of AP configuration, combinations of settings, events, or procedures that can adversely affect network connectivity, security, and so on.
  • Page 13: Online Help, Supported Browsers, And Limitations

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 NLINE UPPORTED ROWSERS IMITATIONS Online help for the UAP Administration Web pages provides information about all fields and features available from the user interface (UI). The information in the online help is a subset of the information available in the Unified Access Point Administrator’s Guide .
  • Page 14: Section 2: Getting Started

    S e c ti o n 2 : G e t t i ng S t a r t e d The D-Link UAP provides continuous, high-speed access between wireless devices and Ethernet devices. It is an advanced, standards-based solution for wireless networking in businesses of any size. The UAP enables wireless local area network (WLAN) deployment while providing state-of-the-art wireless networking features.
  • Page 15: Administrator's Computer Requirements

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 ’ DMINISTRATOR OMPUTER EQUIREMENTS The following table describes the minimum requirements for the administrator’s computer for configuration and administration of the UAP through a Web-based user interface (UI). Table 2: Requirements for the Administrator’s Computer...
  • Page 16: Wireless Client Requirements

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 IRELESS LIENT EQUIREMENTS The UAP provides wireless access to any client with a properly configured Wi-Fi client adapter for the 802.11 mode in which the access point is running. The UAP supports multiple client operating systems. Clients can be laptop or desktop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or any other hand-held, portable or stationary device equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter and supporting drivers.
  • Page 17: Discovering A Dynamically Assigned Ip Address

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 IP A ISCOVERING A YNAMICALLY SSIGNED DDRESS If you have access to the DHCP server on your network and know the MAC address of your AP, you can view the new IP address associated with the MAC address of the AP.
  • Page 18 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 point so that the access point is no longer connected directly to the PC but instead is connected to the LAN (either by using a hub or directly). Note: It is possible to detect access points on the network with a wireless connection. However, we strongly advise against using this method.
  • Page 19 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 5. Verify the settings on the Basic Settings page. • Review access point description and provide a new administrator password for the access point if you do not want to use the default password, which is admin.
  • Page 20: Basic Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 7. If your network uses VLANs, you might need to configure the management VLAN ID or untagged VLAN ID on the UAP in order for it to work with your network. For information about how to configure VLAN information, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings”...
  • Page 21: Connecting To The Ap Web Interface By Using The Ipv6 Address

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 4: Basic Settings Page Field Description Baud Rate Select a baud rate for the serial port connection. The baud rate on the AP must match the baud rate on the terminal or terminal emulator to connect to the AP command-line interface (CLI) by using a serial (console) connection.
  • Page 22: Configuring The Ethernet Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 • Baud rate: 115200 bps • Data bits: 8 • Parity: none • Stop bit: 1 • Flow control: none 3. Press the return key, and a login prompt should appear. The login name is admin. The default password is admin. After a successful login, the screen shows the ( Access Point Name )# prompt.
  • Page 23: Using The Cli To Configure Ethernet Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 SING THE ONFIGURE THERNET ETTINGS Use the commands shown in the following table to view and set values for the Ethernet (wired) interface. For more information about each setting, see the description for the field in...
  • Page 24: Configuring Ieee 802.1X Authentication

    In the following example, the administrator uses the CLI to set the management VLAN ID to 123 and to disable the untagged VLAN so that all traffic is tagged with a VLAN ID. D-Link-WLAN-AP# set management vlan-id 123 D-Link-WLAN-AP# set untagged-vlan status down...
  • Page 25: Verifying The Installation

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 D-Link-WLAN-AP# set dot1x-supplicant status up D-Link-WLAN-AP# set dot1x-supplicant user wlanAP D-Link-WLAN-AP# set dot1x-supplicant password test1234 D-Link-WLAN-AP# get dot1x-supplicant Property Value ---------------- status user wlanAP ERIFYING THE NSTALLATION Make sure the access point is connected to the LAN and associate some wireless clients with the network. Once you have tested the basics of your wireless network, you can enable more security and fine-tune the AP by modifying advanced configuration features.
  • Page 26: Configuring Security On The Wireless Access Point

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 ONFIGURING ECURITY ON THE IRELESS CCESS OINT You configure secure wireless client access by configuring security for each virtual access point (VAP) that you enable. You can configure up to 16 VAPs per radio that simulate multiple APs in one physical access point. By default, only one VAP is enabled.
  • Page 27: Section 3: Viewing Access Point Status

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 S e c t io n 3 : V i ew in g A c c e s s Po in t S t a t us This section describes the information you can view from the tabs under the Status heading on the navigation tree of the UAP Web UI.
  • Page 28: Wireless Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 For information about configuring these settings, see “Configuring the Ethernet Settings” on page IRELESS ETTINGS The Radio Interface includes the Radio Mode and Channel. The Wireless Settings section also shows the address (read-only) associated with each radio interface.
  • Page 29: Configuring Persistent Logging Options

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Note: The AP acquires its date and time information using the network time protocol (NTP). This data is reported in UTC format (also known as Greenwich Mean Time). You need to convert the reported time to your local time.
  • Page 30: Configuring The Log Relay Host For Kernel Messages

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Note: To apply your changes, click Apply. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes. If this happens, wireless clients will temporarily lose connectivity. We recommend that you change AP settings when WLAN traffic is low.
  • Page 31: Viewing Transmit And Receive Statistics

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 8: Log Relay Host Field Description Relay Port Specify the Port number for the syslog process on the Relay Host. The default port is 514. Note: To apply your changes, click Apply. Changing some settings might cause the AP to stop and restart system processes.
  • Page 32: Viewing Associated Wireless Client Information

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 9: Transmit/Receive Field Description Interface The name of the Ethernet or VAP interface. Status Shows whether the interface is up or down. MAC Address address for the specified interface. The UAP has a unique MAC address for each interface. Each radio has a different MAC address for each interface on each of its two radios.
  • Page 33: Link Integrity Monitoring

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 10: Associated Clients Field Description Network Shows which VAP the client is associated with. For example, an entry of wlan0vap2 means the client is associated with Radio 1, VAP 2. An entry of wlan0 means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 1. An entry of wlan1 means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 2.
  • Page 34: Viewing Neighboring Access Points

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 IEWING EIGHBORING CCESS OINTS The status page for Neighboring Access Points provides real-time statistics for all APs within range of the AP on which you are viewing the Administration Web pages. Click Apply to refresh the screen and display the most current information.
  • Page 35: Table 11: Neighboring Access Points

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 11 describes the information provided on neighboring access points. Table 11: Neighboring Access Points Field Description AP Detection To enable neighbor AP detection and collect information about neighbor APs, click Enabled. To disable neighbor AP detection, click Disabled.
  • Page 36: Viewing Managed Ap Dhcp Information

    The UAP can learn about D-Link Unified Switches on the network through DHCP responses to its initial DHCP request. The Managed AP DHCP page displays the DNS names or IP addresses of up to four D-Link Unified Switches that the AP learned about from a DHCP server on your network.
  • Page 37: Section 4: Managing The Access Point

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Sec tion 4: Managing the A cce ss Po int This section describes how to manage the UAP and contains the following subsections: • Ethernet Settings • Modifying Radio Settings • Virtual Access Point Settings •...
  • Page 38: Figure 9: Ethernet Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 9: Ethernet Settings The following table describes the fields to view or configure on the Ethernet Settings page. Table 12: Ethernet Settings Page Field Description DNS Name Enter the DNS name (host name) for the AP in the text box.
  • Page 39 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 12: Ethernet Settings Page (Cont.) Field Description Connection Type If you select DHCP, the UAP acquires its IP address, subnet mask, DNS, and gateway information from a DHCP server. If you select Static IP, you must enter information in the Static IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway fields.
  • Page 40: Wireless Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 IRELESS ETTINGS Wireless settings describe aspects of the related specifically to the radio device in the AP (802.11 Mode and Channel) and to the network interface to the AP (AP address). To configure the wireless interface, click the Wireless Settings tab.
  • Page 41: Table 13: Wireless Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 13 describes the fields and configuration options available on the Wireless Settings page. Table 13: Wireless Settings Field Description 802.11d Regulatory Enabling support for IEEE 802.11d (World Mode) on the AP causes the AP to broadcast which Domain Support country it is operating in as a part of its beacons and probe responses.
  • Page 42: Using The 802.11H Wireless Mode

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 13: Wireless Settings (Cont.) Field Description Channel Select the Channel. The range of available channels is determined by the mode of the radio interface and the country code setting. If you select Auto for the channel setting, the AP scans available channels and selects a channel where no traffic is detected.
  • Page 43: Modifying Radio Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 ODIFYING ADIO ETTINGS Radio settings directly control the behavior of the radio devices in the AP and its interaction with the physical medium; that is, how and what type of electromagnetic waves the AP emits.
  • Page 44: Table 14: Radio Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 14 describes the fields and configuration options for the Radio Settings page Table 14: Radio Settings Field Description Radio Select Radio 1 or Radio 2 to specify which radio to configure. The rest of the settings on this tab apply to the radio you select in this field.
  • Page 45 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 14: Radio Settings (Cont.) Field Description Protection The protection feature contains rules to guarantee that 802.11 transmissions do not cause interference with legacy stations or applications. By default, these protection mechanisms are enabled (Auto). With protection enabled, protection mechanisms will be invoked if legacy devices are within range of the AP.
  • Page 46: Virtual Access Point Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 14: Radio Settings (Cont.) Field Description Transmit Power Enter a percentage value for the transmit power level for this AP. The default value, which is 100%, can be more cost-efficient than a lower percentage since it gives the AP a maximum broadcast range and reduces the number of APs needed.
  • Page 47 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 You can configure each VAP to use a different VLAN, or you can configure multiple VAPs to use the same VLAN, whether the VLAN is on the same radio or on a different radio. VAP0, which is always enabled on both radios, is assigned to the default VLAN 1.
  • Page 48: Figure 12: Setting Up Virtual Access Points

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 12: Setting Up Virtual Access Points Table 15 describes the fields and configuration options on the VAP page. Table 15: Virtual Access Point Settings Field Description RADIUS IP Address Specify the IP version that the RADIUS server uses.
  • Page 49 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 15: Virtual Access Point Settings (Cont.) Field Description RADIUS IP Address Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the primary global RADIUS server. By default, each VAP uses the global RADIUS settings that you define for the AP at the top of the VAP page.
  • Page 50: None (Plain-Text)

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 15: Virtual Access Point Settings (Cont.) Field Description Broadcast SSID Specify whether to allow the AP to broadcast the Service Set Identifier (SSID) in its beacon frames. The Broadcast SSID parameter is enabled by default. When the VAP does not broadcast its SSID, the network name is not displayed in the list of available networks on a client station.
  • Page 51: Static Wep

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 TATIC Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a data encryption protocol for 802.11 wireless networks. All wireless stations and APs on the network are configured with a static 64-bit (40-bit secret key + 24-bit initialization vector (IV)) or 128-bit (104-bit secret key + 24-bit IV) Shared Key for data encryption.
  • Page 52: Static Wep Rules

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 16: Static WEP (Cont.) Field Description Authentication The authentication algorithm defines the method used to determine whether a client station is allowed to associate with an AP when static WEP is the security mode.
  • Page 53: Table 17: Ieee 802.1X

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 You can use any of a variety of authentication methods that the IEEE 802.1X mode supports, including certificates, Kerberos, and public key authentication. You must configure the client stations to use the same authentication method the AP uses.
  • Page 54: Wpa Personal

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 WPA P ERSONAL WPA Personal is a Wi-Fi Alliance IEEE 802.11i standard, which includes AES-CCMP and TKIP mechanisms. The Personal version of WPA employs a pre-shared key (instead of using IEEE 802.1X as is used in the Enterprise WPA security mode).
  • Page 55: Wpa Enterprise

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 WPA E NTERPRISE WPA Enterprise with RADIUS is an implementation of the Wi-Fi Alliance IEEE 802.11i standard, which includes CCMP (AES), and TKIP mechanisms. The Enterprise mode requires the use of a RADIUS server to authenticate users.
  • Page 56: Configuring The Wireless Distribution System

    Note: When you move an AP from Standalone Mode to Managed Mode, WDS is disabled. In Managed Mode, you configure the AP by using the D-Link Unified Switch. The Administrator UI, as well as Telnet, SSH, and SNMP access are disabled when the AP is in Managed Mode.
  • Page 57: Figure 13: Configuring Wds Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 To specify the details of traffic exchange from this access point to others, click the WDS tab. Figure 13: Configuring WDS Settings Before you configure WDS on the AP, note the following guidelines: •...
  • Page 58: Table 20: Wds Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 20: WDS Settings Field Description Spanning Tree Mode Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) prevents switching loops. STP is recommended if you configure WDS links. Select Enabled to use STP Select Disabled to turn off STP links (not recommended) Radio For each WDS link on a two-radio AP, select Radio One or Radio Two.
  • Page 59: Wep On Wds Links

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 WDS L INKS Table 21 describes the additional fields that appear when you select WEP as the encryption type. Table 21: WEP on WDS Links Field Description Encryption Select this option if you want to set WEP encryption on the WDS link.
  • Page 60: Controlling Access By Mac Authentication

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 MAC A ONTROLLING CCESS BY UTHENTICATION A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a hardware address that uniquely identifies each node of a network. All IEEE 802 network devices share a common 48-bit MAC address format, usually displayed as a string of 12 hexadecimal digits...
  • Page 61: Configuring Mac Authentication On The Radius Server

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Note: Global MAC Authentication settings apply to all VAPs on both radios. Table 23 describes the fields and configuration options available on the MAC Authentication page Table 23: MAC Authentication Field Description Filter To set the MAC Address Filter, select one of the following options: •...
  • Page 62: Configuring Load Balancing

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 ONFIGURING ALANCING You can set network utilization thresholds on the UAP to maintain the speed and performance of the wireless network as clients associate and disassociate with the AP. The load balancing settings apply to both radios.
  • Page 63: Managed Access Point Overview

    If an AP is in Managed Mode, the Administrator Web UI, Telnet, SSH, and SNMP services are disabled. On the UAP, you can configure the IP addresses of up to four D-Link Unified Switches that can manage it. In order to manage the AP, the switch and AP must discover each other.
  • Page 64: Configuring Managed Access Point Settings

    CCESS OINT ETTINGS To add the IP address of a D-Link Unified Switch to the AP, click the Managed Access Point tab under the Manage heading and update the fields shown in Table 26 on page Figure 16: Configuring Managed Access Point Settings...
  • Page 65: Configuring 802.1X Authentication

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 802.1X A ONFIGURING UTHENTICATION On networks that use IEEE 802.1X, port-based network access control, a supplicant (client) cannot gain access to the network until the 802.1X authenticator grants access. If your network uses 802.1X, you must configure 802.1X authentication information that the AP can supply to the authenticator.
  • Page 66: Creating A Management Access Control List

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 REATING A ANAGEMENT CCESS ONTROL You can create an access control list (ACL) that lists up to five IPv4 hosts and five IPv6 hosts that are authorized to access the Web-based AP management interface. If this feature is disabled, anyone can access the management interface from any network client by supplying the correct AP username and password.
  • Page 67: Section 5: Configuring Access Point Services

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 S e c t i on 5 : C on f i gu r i ng A c c e s s Po i nt S e r vi c e s This section describes how to configure services on the UAP and contains the following subsections: •...
  • Page 68: Configuring Snmp On The Access Point

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 29: Web Server Settings Field Description HTTPS Server Status Enable or disable access through a Secure HTTP Server (HTTPS). HTTP Server Status Enable or disable access through HTTP. This setting is independent of the HTTPS server status setting.
  • Page 69: Figure 20: Modifying Snmp Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Figure 20: Modifying SNMP Settings Table 30: SNMP Settings Field Description SNMP You can specify the SNMP administrative mode on your network. By default SNMP is Disabled. After changing the Enabled/Disabled enabled. To enable SNMP, click Enabled.To disable SNMP, click mode, you must click Apply to save your configuration changes.
  • Page 70 You can choose whether or not to allow SNMP set requests on the AP. Enabling SNMP set requests means that machines on the network can execute configuration changes via the SNMP agent on the AP to the D-Link System MIB. To enable SNMP set requests, click Enabled. To disable SNMP set requests, click Disabled.
  • Page 71: Setting The Ssh Status

    ETTING THE TATUS Secure Shell (SSH) is a program that provides access to the D-Link UAP CLI from a remote host. SSH is more secure than Telnet for remote access because it provides strong authentication and secure communications over insecure channels.
  • Page 72: Configuring Quality Of Service (Qos)

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 32: Telnet Settings Field Description Telnet Status Choose to either enable or disable Telnet access to the AP CLI: • To permit remote access to the AP by using Telnet, click Enabled. • To prevent remote access to the AP by using Telnet, click Disabled.
  • Page 73: Figure 23: Configuring Qos Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Figure 23: Configuring QoS Settings Table 33: QoS Settings Field Description AP EDCA Parameters Queue Queues are defined for different types of data transmitted from AP-to-station: • Data 0 (Voice)—High priority queue, minimum delay. Time-sensitive data such as VoIP and streaming media are automatically sent to this queue.
  • Page 74 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 33: QoS Settings (Cont.) Field Description cwMin This parameter is input to the algorithm that determines the initial random backoff wait time (Minimum Contention (window) for retry of a transmission. Window) The value specified for Minimum Contention Window is the upper limit (in milliseconds) of a range from which the initial random backoff wait time is determined.
  • Page 75 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 33: QoS Settings (Cont.) Field Description cwMin This parameter is used by the algorithm that determines the initial random backoff wait time (Minimum Contention (window) for retry of a data transmission during a period of contention for Unified Access Point Window) resources.
  • Page 76: Enabling The Network Time Protocol Server

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 NABLING THE ETWORK ROTOCOL ERVER The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet standard protocol that synchronizes computer clock times on your network. NTP servers transmit Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, also known as Greenwich Mean Time) to their client systems. NTP sends periodic time requests to servers, using the returned time stamp to adjust its clock.
  • Page 77: Section 6: Configuring Snmpv3

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Secti o n 6: Co nfi g ur in g SNMPv 3 This section describes how to configure the SNMPv3 settings on the UAP and contains the following subsections: • Configuring SNMPv3 Views •...
  • Page 78: Configuring Snmpv3 Groups

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 35: SNMPv3 Views Field Description View Name Enter a name to identify the MIB view. View names can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Type Specifies whether to include or exclude the view subtree or family of subtrees from the MIB view.
  • Page 79: Figure 26: Snmpv3 Groups

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Figure 26: SNMPv3 Groups Table 36: SNMPv3 Groups Field Description Name Specify a name to use to identify the group. The default group names are RWPriv, RWAuth, and RO. Group names can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
  • Page 80: Configuring Snmpv3 Users

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 SNMP ONFIGURING SERS From the SNMPv3 Users page, you can define multiple users, associate the desired security level to each user, and configure security keys. For authentication, only MD5 type is supported, and for encryption only DES type is supported. There are no default SNMPv3 users on the UAP.
  • Page 81: Configuring Snmpv3 Targets

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 37: SNMP v3 Users (Cont.) Field Description SNMPv3 Users This field shows the users that you have defined on the AP. To remove a user, select the user and click Remove. Note: After you configure the SNMPv3 Users settings, you must click Apply to apply the changes and to save the settings.
  • Page 82: Section 7: Maintaining The Access Point

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Sec t ion 7: Maintaining the A cce ss Po int This section describes how to maintain the UAP. From the UAP Administrator UI, you can perform the following maintenance tasks: • Restore the factory default configuration.
  • Page 83: Restoring The Configuration From A Previously Saved File

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Use the following steps to save a copy of the current settings on an AP to a backup configuration file by using HTTP: 1. Clear the Use TFTP to download the configuration option. When you clear the check box, the Filename and Server IP fields are disabled.
  • Page 84: Maintenance

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 reboot process to complete, which might take several minutes. The Administration Web UI is not accessible until the AP has rebooted. Use the following steps to save a copy of the current settings on an AP to a backup configuration file by using HTTP: 1.
  • Page 85: Rebooting The Access Point

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 EBOOTING THE CCESS OINT For maintenance purposes or as a troubleshooting measure, you can reboot the UAP. To reboot the AP, click the Reboot button on the Configuration page. PGRADING THE IRMWARE As new versions of the UAP firmware become available, you can upgrade the firmware on your devices to take advantage of new features and enhancements.
  • Page 86 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 6. Click OK to confirm the upgrade and start the process. Note: The firmware upgrade process begins once you click Upgrade and then OK in the popup confirmation window. The upgrade process may take several minutes during which time the access point will be unavailable. Do not power down the access point while the upgrade is in process.
  • Page 87: Section 8: Configuring Client Quality Of Service

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 S e c t i o n 8 : C o nf i gu r i n g C l ie nt Q ua li t y of S e r v ic e This section describes how to configure QoS settings that affect traffic from the wireless clients to the AP.
  • Page 88: Figure 30: Vap Qos Parameters

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 30: VAP QoS Parameters Table 39: VAP QoS Parameters Field Description Client QoS Global Admin Mode Enable or disable Client QoS operation on the AP. Changing this setting will not affect the WMM settings you configure on the QoS page.
  • Page 89: Managing Client Qos Acls

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 39: VAP QoS Parameters Field Description ACL Type Down Select the type of ACL to apply to traffic in the outbound (down) direction, which can be one of the following: • IPv4: The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules •...
  • Page 90: Figure 31: Client Qos Acl

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Use the following general steps to configure ACLs: 1. Specify a name for the ACL. 2. Select the type of ACL to add. 3. Add the ACL 4. Add new rules to the ACL.
  • Page 91 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 40: ACL Configuration (Cont.) Field Description ACL Type Select the type of ACL to configure: • IPv4 IPv4 ACLs control access to network resources based on Layer 3 and Layer 4 criteria. ACL Rule Configuration ACL Name - ACL Type Select the ACL to configure with the new rule.
  • Page 92 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 40: ACL Configuration (Cont.) Field Description Wild Card Mask Specifies the source IP address wildcard mask. The wild card masks determines which bits are used and which bits are ignored. A wild card mask of indicates that no bit is important. A wildcard of indicates that all of the bits are important.
  • Page 93 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 40: ACL Configuration (Cont.) Field Description Destination Port Select this field to include a destination port in the match condition for the rule. The destination port is identified in the datagram header. Once you select the field, choose the port name or enter the port number.
  • Page 94: Creating A Diffserv Class Map

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 REATING A LASS The Client QoS feature contains Differentiated Services (DiffServ) support that allows traffic to be classified into streams and given certain QoS treatment in accordance with defined per-hop behaviors. Standard IP-based networks are designed to provide best effort data delivery service. Best effort service implies that the network delivers the data in a timely fashion, although there is no guarantee that it will.
  • Page 95: Figure 32: Client Qos Diffserv Class Map

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Figure 32: Client QoS DiffServ Class Map Table 41: DiffServ Class Map Field Description Class Map Configuration Class Map Name Enter a Class Map Name to add. The name can range from 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters.
  • Page 96 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 41: DiffServ Class Map (Cont.) Field Description Match Every Select Match Every to specify that the match condition is true to all the parameters in an L3 packet. All L3 packets will match an Match Every match condition.
  • Page 97 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 41: DiffServ Class Map (Cont.) Field Description Destination IPv6 Prefix Length Enter the prefix length of the destination IPv6 address. IPv4 and IPv6 Class Maps Source Port Select this field to include a source port in the match condition for the rule. The source port is identified in the datagram header.
  • Page 98 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 41: DiffServ Class Map (Cont.) Field Description EtherType Select the EtherType field to compare the match criteria against the value in the header of an Ethernet frame. Select an EtherType keyword or enter an EtherType value to specify the match criteria.
  • Page 99: Creating A Diffserv Policy Map

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 41: DiffServ Class Map (Cont.) Field Description IP TOS Mask Enter an IP TOS mask value to perform a boolean AND with the TOS field in the header of the packet and compared against the TOS entered for this rule.
  • Page 100: Figure 33: Client Qos Diffserv Policy Map

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 33: Client QoS DiffServ Policy Map Table 42: DiffServ Policy Map Field Description Policy Map Name Enter then name of the policy map to add. The name can contain up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
  • Page 101: Client Qos Status

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 42: DiffServ Policy Map Field Description Mark Class of Service Select this field to mark all packets for the associated traffic stream with the specified class of service value in the priority field of the 802.1p header. If the packet does not already contain this header, one is inserted.
  • Page 102: Table 43: Client Qos Status

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 43: Client QoS Status Field Description Station The Station menu contains the MAC address of each client currently associated with the AP. To view the QoS settings applied to a client, select its MAC address from the list.
  • Page 103: Section 9: Clustering Multiple Aps

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 S e c t i on 9 : C lu s t e r i ng Mu l t ip l e A P s The UAP supports AP clusters. A cluster provides a single point of administration and lets you view, deploy, configure, and secure the wireless network as a single entity rather than a series of separate wireless devices.
  • Page 104: Figure 35: Cluster Information And Member Configuration

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Figure 35: Cluster Information and Member Configuration If clustering is currently disabled on the AP, the Start Clustering button is visible. If clustering is enabled, the Stop Clustering button is visible. You can edit the clustering option information when clustering is disabled.
  • Page 105: Removing An Access Point From The Cluster

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 45: Clustering Options Field Description Location Enter a description of where the access point is physically located. Cluster Name Enter the name of the cluster for the AP to join. The cluster name is not sent to other APs in the cluster. You must configure the same cluster name on each AP that is a member of the cluster.
  • Page 106: Navigating To An Ap By Using Its Ip Address In A Url

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 All clustered access points are shown on the Cluster > Access Points page. To navigate to clustered access points, you can simply click on the IP address for a specific cluster member shown in the list.
  • Page 107: Sorting Session Information

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 46: Session Management Field Description AP Location Indicates the location of the access point. This is derived from the location description specified on the Basic Settings tab. User MAC Indicates the MAC address of the wireless client device.
  • Page 108: Stopping/Starting Automatic Channel Assignment

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 To configure and view the channel assignments for the cluster members, click the Channel Management tab. Figure 37: Channel Management From this page, you can view channel assignments for all APs in the cluster and stop or start automatic channel management.
  • Page 109: Viewing Current Channel Assignments And Setting Locks

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 IEWING URRENT HANNEL SSIGNMENTS AND ETTING OCKS The Current Channel Assignments section shows a list of all access points in the cluster by IP Address. The display shows the band on which each AP is broadcasting (a/b/g/n), the current channel used by each AP, and an option to lock an AP on its current radio channel so that it cannot be re-assigned to another.
  • Page 110: Viewing Wireless Neighborhood Information

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Use Advanced Settings to modify the interference reduction potential that triggers channel re-assignment, change the schedule for automatic updates, and re-configure the channel set used for assignments. If there are no fields showing in the Advanced section, click the toggle button to display the settings that modify timing and details of the channel planning algorithm.
  • Page 111: Figure 38: Wireless Neighborhood

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Figure 38: Wireless Neighborhood The following table describes details about the Wireless Neighborhood information. Table 50: Wireless Neighborhood Information Field Description Display neighboring APs Click one of the following radio buttons to change the view: •...
  • Page 112 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Table 50: Wireless Neighborhood Information Field Description Neighbors Access points which are neighbors of one or more of the clustered APs are listed in the left column by SSID (Network Name). An access point which is detected as a neighbor of a cluster member can also be a cluster member itself.
  • Page 113: Viewing Details For A Cluster Member

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 IEWING ETAILS FOR A LUSTER EMBER To view details on a cluster member AP, click on the IP address of a cluster member at the top of the page. The following figure shows the Neighbor Details for Radio 1 of the AP with an IP address of
  • Page 114: Appendix A: Default Ap Settings

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 Appendix A: De fault AP Settings When you first power on a UAP, it has the default settings shown in the following table. Table 52: UAP Default Settings Feature Default System Information User Name...
  • Page 115 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 Table 52: UAP Default Settings (Cont.) Feature Default Fixed Multicast Rate Auto Beacon Interval DTIM Period Fragmentation Threshold 2346 RTS Threshold 2347 Virtual Access Point Settings Status VAP0 is enabled on both radios, all other VAPs disabled...
  • Page 116: Appendix B: Configuration Examples

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 A pp e n di x B : C o nf i g ur a t io n E x a m p l e s This appendix contains examples of how to configure selected features available on the UAP. Each example contains procedures on how to configure the feature by using the Web interface, CLI, and SNMP.
  • Page 117: Vap Configuration From The Cli

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 characters. 8. Click Update to update the AP with the new settings. VAP C ONFIGURATION FROM THE 1. Connect to the AP by using Telnet, SSH, or a serial connection. 2. Enable VAP 1.
  • Page 118 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 7. Walk the apIfConfigName object to view the instance ID for VAP 1 (wlan0vap1). VAP 1 on Radio 1 is instance 3. 8. Set the value of instance 3 in the apIfConfigSsid object to Marketing.
  • Page 119: Configuring Radio Settings

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 ONFIGURING ADIO ETTINGS This example shows how to configure Radio 2 with the following settings: • Mode: IEEE 802.11b/g/n • Channel: 6 • Channel Bandwidth: 40 MHz • Maximum Stations: 100 • Transmit Power: 75%...
  • Page 120: Radio Configuration From The Cli

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 8. Click Update to update the AP with the new settings. ADIO ONFIGURATION FROM THE 1. Connect to the AP by using Telnet, SSH, or a serial connection. 2. Turn Radio 2 on if the status is not currently up.
  • Page 121: Radio Configuration Using Snmp

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 8. View information about the radio settings. get radio wlan1 detail SNMP ADIO ONFIGURATION SING 1. Load the DLINK-WLAN-ACCESS-POINT-MIB module. 2. From the MIB tree, navigate to the objects in the apRadio table (apRadioBss > apRadioTable).
  • Page 122 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 3. Select WPA (PSK) from the Encryption menu. Note: The WPA (PSK) option is available only if VAP 0 on Radio 1 uses WPA (PSK) as the security method. If VAP 0 is not set to WPA Personal or WPA Enterprise, you must choose either None (Plain-text) or WEP for WDS link encryption.
  • Page 123: Wds Configuration From The Cli

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 WDS C ONFIGURATION FROM THE 1. Connect to the MyAP1 by using Telnet, SSH, or a serial connection. 2. Configure the remote MAC address for MyAP2. set interface wlan0wds0 status up remote-mac 00:30:AB:00:00:B0 3. Set WPA (PSK) as the encryption type for the link.
  • Page 124: Clustering Access Points

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 LUSTERING CCESS OINTS This example shows how to configure a cluster with two APs and to enable automatic channel re-assigment.The location of the local AP is Room 214, and the cluster name is MyCluster.
  • Page 125: Clustering Aps By Using The Cli

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 LUSTERING S BY SING THE 1. Connect to the AP by using Telnet, SSH, or a serial connection. 2. Set the AP Location. set cluster cluster-name "Room 214" Note: If the cluster name or cluster location has spaces, you must enclose the text in quotation marks when you enter the text in the CLI, as the command example shows.
  • Page 126: Configuring Client Qos

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 ONFIGURING LIENT This example shows how to enable client QoS, configure an ACL and a DiffServ policy on the AP, and to apply the ACL and the Policy to traffic transmitted from clients associated with VAP 2 and received by the AP.
  • Page 127: 34Csfp6Xxuap-Swum100-D13

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 7. Click Update to save the rule. 8. Select New Rule from the Rule menu and create another rule with the following settings: • Action: Permit • Match Every: Clear the option • Protocol: IP •...
  • Page 128: Diffserv Configuration

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 16. Click Update to update the AP with the QoS settings. DiffServ Configuration 1. Log onto the AP and navigate to the Client QoS > Class Map page. 2. Enter class_voip in the Class Map Name field and click Add Class Map.
  • Page 129 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 7. Click Update to save the match criteria. 8. Navigate to the Client QoS > Policy Map page. 9. To create a policy, enter pol_voip into the Policy Map Name field, and then click Add Policy Map.
  • Page 130 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 11. Navigate to the Client QoS > VAP QoS Parameters page. 12. Select VAP 2 from the VAP menu. 13. Make sure that the Client QoS Global Admin Mode and the QoS Mode are both enabled.
  • Page 131: Acl Configuration

    Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 15. Click Update to update the AP with the QoS settings. Configuring QoS by Using the CLI ACL Configuration 1. Connect to the AP. 2. Create an ACL named acl1. add acl acl1 acl-type ipv4 3.
  • Page 132: Acl Configuration

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 add class-map class_voip every yes protocol udp src-ip src-ip-mask dst-ip dst-ip-mask 3. Add a policy map named pol_voip. add policy-map pol_voip 4. Define the pol_voip policy map by adding the class_voip class map and specifying that packets that match the class_voip criteria will be marked with a DSCP value of EF (expedited forwarding).
  • Page 133 D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 • Use to set the apQosAclRuleSrcIpAddress to a value of • Use to set the apQosAclRuleSrcIpMask to a value of • Use to set apQosAclRuleSrcProtocol to a value of 80 (HTTP).
  • Page 134: Diffserv Configuration

    D-Link UAP Software User Manual 12/10/09 6. Use the apQosGlobalMode object to set the status to up (1), which enables Client QoS on the AP. 7. Walk the apVapDescription object to view the instance ID for VAP 2 (wlan0vap2). VAP 2 on Radio 1 is instance 5.
  • Page 135 Software User Manual D-Link UAP 12/10/09 set client-qos mode up 8. Use the apQosGlobalMode object to set the status to up (1), which enables Client QoS on the AP. 9. Walk the apVapDescription object to view the instance ID for VAP 2 (wlan0vap2).

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