ABLE OF ONTENTS Section 1: About this Document ..................1 Document Organization..........................1 Audience ............................... 1 Additional Documentation........................... 1 Document Conventions ..........................2 Section 2: Accessing the UAP CLI ..................3 Serial Port Connection to the AP........................ 3 Telnet Connection to the AP ........................4 SSH Connection to the AP ..........................
S e c ti o n 1 : A b ou t t hi s D o c u m e n t In addition to the Web-based user interface, the D-Link Unified Access Point (UAP) includes a command-line interface (CLI) for administering the access point.
Accessing the UAP CLI Section 2: Acc ess ing the UAP CLI You can use any of the following methods to access the CLI for the access point or wireless network: • Serial Port Connection to the AP • Telnet Connection to the AP •...
Accessing the UAP CLI SSH C ONNECTION TO THE If you already deployed your network and know the IP address of your access point, you can use a remote Secure Shell (SSH) connection to the access point to view the system console over the network. Using an SSH connection to the access point is similar to “Telnet”...
Commands and Syntax SING THE SET OMMAND The “set” command allows you to set the property values of existing instances of a class and has the following syntax set unnamed-class [ with qualifier-property qualifier-value ... to ] property value . . . The first argument is an unnamed class in the configuration.
Tab Tab (including a space after remove ) for a list of all property options for the remove command. D-Link-WLAN-AP# remove Create ACL. basic-rate Basic rates of radios bridge-port Bridge ports of bridge interfaces Basic Service Set of radios class-map Creates a Diffserv class.
Interface Naming Conventions Se ction 4: Interfa ce Na ming C onve ntions The following summary of interface names is provided to help clarify the related CLI commands and output results. These names are not exposed on the Web UI, but are used throughout the CLI. You get and set many configuration values on the AP by referring to interfaces.
Access Point CLI Commands Se ction 6: Acc ess Po int CLI Comma nds This section describes some of the commands you use to view and configure the UAP. Note: This section does not describe every command available from the UAP CLI. The UAP is intended to be configured primarily from the Web interface.
Access Point CLI Commands THERNET ETTINGS Use the commands in this section to view and set values for the Ethernet (wired) interface. Note: Before configuring this feature, make sure you are familiar with the names of the interfaces as described in “Interface Naming Conventions”...
CCESS OINT You can use a D-Link Wireless Switch to manage one or more access points on your network. To allow a switch to manage the AP the switch and AP must discover each other. The commands in Table 9 show how to change the AP mode from Standalone to Managed and how to configure the IP address of a D-Link Wireless Switch so that the AP can discover it.
Access Point CLI Commands YSTEM ANAGEMENT Table 11 shows the commands you use to manage the configuration file and firmware on the AP. Table 11: System Management Action Command Restore the factory default settings factory-reset Save the configuration to a backup file config download <url>...
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