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Error Messages - Gilson 402 User Manual

Dilutor dispenser


Error Messages

Error Message
Adjust volume too small
Asp flow missing
Diluent volume missing
Disp flow missing
DISP task in wrong place
Incorrect flow rates
Left syr life exhausted!
LINK method not allowed!
Max sample vol. reached
Mechanical problem: Help
Method does not exist!
Method used in link file
Method xxx is locked
Mix volume is missing
Nb mixes is missing
No room to copy meth xxx
Not enough memory!
Appendix D-2
Error Messages
Cause/Possible Action
In DISPENSE, you have, you have entered a value for "Final
vol." that is too small.
"Final vol." > volume of biggest fraction dispensed.
Re-enter Method, supplying the missing parameter, when
prompted to do so (see DILUTE, DISPENSE, PIPETTE, and
MIX tasks).
Re-enter Method, supplying the missing parameter, when
prompted to do so (see DILUTE task).
Re-enter Method, supplying the missing parameter, when
prompted to do so (see DILUTE, DISPENSE, PIPETTE, and
MIX tasks).
Within a Method, DISPENSE must follow DILUTE or MIX.
To DISPENSE before DILUTE you should create a Method file
containing only the DISPENSE task.
Use flow rates that correspond to the configured syringe
size(s); refer to page 5-31.
For the Dual-syringe model: piston of left-hand syringe may
need replacing.
You can't link files that are already linked.
In DILUTE UNKNOWN, you need a larger syringe/transfer-
tubing to measure volumes greater than the maximum
reached with the existing configuration.
Occurs when the valve or a syringe jams; switch off and
correct the problem:
the syringe and/or valve need servicing (clean or change).
First, you must create the Method to be linked, then enter its
file number using LINK.
You have attempted to delete a Method number that has been
assigned in LINK. You must delete the file containing LINK,
before deleting the Method.
Unlock Method file, to continue with this action.
Re-enter Method, supplying the missing parameter, when
prompted to do so (see MIX task).
Re-enter Method, supplying the missing parameter, when
prompted to do so (see MIX task).
You need to free up space by deleting one or more Methods.
Reduce the size and/or number of stored Method files.

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