Graco PSM Instructions Manual page 32

1k precision metering system
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HMI Display Operation and Identification
Setup Screen 7 - Pre-charge
. 25 Pre-charge Setup Screen
On the Pre-charge Setup Screen, select the
button to display the System Main Screen. Select the
button to return to the previous screen. Select the
button to continue to the next screen.
The content and functions of this screen are as follows:
Pre-charge pressure scope
The pre-charge pressure value is set in Setup Screen 7
- Pre-charge, page 32. The operator may set a scope
of pre-charge pressure. The system starts to work
when reaching the scope of pre-charge pressure.
Maximum pre-charge time limit
The operator may set the time in seconds the system
may spend pre-charging. If pre-charging exceeds the
set time, the system will activate the alarm to alert the
operator the limit has been reached.
Pre-charge speed
The operator may set two separate pre-charge rates.
The system will pre-charge at the set 'Hi' speed until
reaching the decelerate point. The decelerate point is
the target pressure at which the system will switch from
the "Hi" to the "Lo" pre-charge rate. Enter the
decelerate point as a percentage of the Pre-charge
pressure. For example, if the pre-charge pressure is
500 psi and the decelerate point is 75%, the system will
switch to the 'Lo' speed once pressure has reached
375 psi. The system will then continue pre-charging at
the set 'Lo' speed until system confirms the pressure
has exceeded the set target pressure.
Pre-charge trigger
The operator may choose whether the pre-charge is


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