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9. Wurm CRA control panel
Attention: The cabinet is equipped with a digital thermometer positioned inside the display area, usually close
to the front glass. The displayed temperature corresponds to the temperature in the refrigerated cabinet; there-
fore refer to this value for preserving the goods properly. The temperature displayed by the controller corre-
sponds to the set point value. For technical reasons, the temperature values provided by the two displays (i.e. ther-
mometer in the refrigerated cabinet and controller display), even if related to one another, could be different and vary
during the cabinet's operation. This fact is not an anomaly or a technical fault. To modify the working temperature, it is
necessary to consider the temperature displayed by the digital thermometer inside the refrigerated cabinet, and
then increase/decrease to the set point value memorized by the controller. Wait a few minutes after the modification of
the parameter before checking the working temperature of the unit. If it is necessary, repeat the operation, until
achieving the desired temperature.

9.4 User interface ___________________________________________________

Each key (1) has a two functions. Briefly press a key to activate the base function. Keep the key pressed for 4 sec-
onds to activate the function relevant to the "4 seconds" mode.
The buttons
Display the Set-point
Exit and save set data
Switch on/off lights (if applicable)
Set a lower value
Set a higher value (hold the key to scroll fast)
The symbols
ON: Compressor enabled
Flashing: displays the current set-point
ON: defrost enabled or dripping time in progress
tion activated)
Evaporator fan: Display not activated
Note: the fan activation is not managed by the controller
Cod. 80005860a - GB
Base function
Touch type keys to activate both the base and "4 second" functions
Symbols of compressor, defrosting, fan*, HACCP*
Symbols of energy saving mode*, maintenance*
Symbols of unit of measure (°C/°F), AUX, Stand by
7-segment display (display numbers and letters)
"4 seconds" function
Reserved to maintenance
Switch on/off the unit
Activation of manual defrost
Flashing: defrost activation waiting (defrost delay func-


Table of Contents

Table of Contents