System Overview - Agilent Technologies N5502A Installation Manual

Phase noise measurement system
Table of Contents


General Information

System Overview

The Agilent E5505A Phase Noise Measurement System provides flexible
sets of measurements on one- port devices such as voltage controlled
oscillators (VCOs), dielectric resonator oscillators (DROs), crystal
oscillators, and synthesizers, and on two- port devices such as amplifiers
and converters. The E5505A system measures absolute and residual phase
noise, AM noise, and low- level spurious signals, as well as CW and pulsed
signals. It operates in the frequency range of 50 KHz to 26.5 GHz.
The E5505A phase noise measurement system combines standard
instruments, phase noise components, and PC software for maximum
flexibility and re- use of assets. The system PC operates under Windows®
XP Professional® and controls the system through the Agilent E5500
measurement software. The E5500 software enables many stand- alone
instruments to work in the system. This standalone- instrument
architecture easily configures for various measurement techniques,
including the PLL/reference- source technique, and delay- line and
FM- discriminator methods.
The E5505A system is available as a one- bay wide, System II rack and as
a benchtop model. Due to the system's flexibility, the hardware in the
system varies greatly with the options selected. You may be installing
instruments you already own in the system as well. A typical system
includes these components:
• Advantech or Kontron custom PC with digitizer card assembly
• 15- inch display (flat- panel or standard), keyboard, and mouse
• Windows® XP Professional® operating system
• Agilent E5500 Phase Noise Measurement software
• Phase noise test set
• Downconverter
• RF source
Additional instruments may include a spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope,
RF counter, power meter, and power splitter.
For detailed information on the instruments in your Agilent E5505A phase noise
measurement system, refer to the individual instrument user guides (provided on CD-ROM).
E5505A Installation Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents