About The Engo Backpack - Dejero EnGo 3x Manual

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If you are using a WayPoint 104 receiver, you can also use the MOTU-4PRE, the Behringer
UMC404HD, or the Dante Virtual audio card.
Note: IFB works independently of the Intercom feature.
1. Ensure that the WayPoint receiver and the audio interface device are configured properly.
For more information, visit
Guide and the Dejero Intercom Reference Guide.
2. Connect a headset with a 3.5 mm connection to the EnGo.
3. Use Control to assign the EnGo to an output on the WayPoint receiver.
4. Ensure that Intercom is enabled on the EnGo. For more information, see "Enable Intercom"
on page .

About the EnGo backpack

The EnGo backpack provides easy access to the EnGo.
17 | Dejero EnGo 3x User Guide
to read the appropriate Dejero WayPoint User


Table of Contents

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