Figure 13 Config>Turret Screen At Initial Boot-Up - ferrotec Genius II Quick Start Manual

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1.5 Configuring the Control Modules
Configuration of the E-Beam PS parameters is now complete. If you have made all the configuration
changes you wish to make at this time, exit Configuration Mode to save the configuration (see section
1.5.5 for detailed instructions). If not, proceed to section 1.5.3.
1.5.3 Configuring the Turret Control Module
Overview of the Config>Turret Screen
Figure 13 shows the Configuration>Turret screen as it appears when the Genius II is first booted up.
The features on this screen enable the user to configure the essential turret-related parameters,
• Rotation direction, either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW).
• Number of pockets (3-8)
• Motor seek speed, in percentage terms.
• Motor indexing speed, also as a percentage.
Setting the Turret Drive Parameters
Perform the following procedure to set the required turret drive parameters from the Genius II's touch
screen. This procedure is most easily accomplished with the source tray lowered and swung out from the
Genius II Quick Start Guide
If desired, you can also change the filament current bias level. To do
a) Touch the Fil Bias button to display a numeric keypad.
b) Use that keypad to enter the desired bias value.
c) Touch Enter to close the keypad. The value you entered will then
appear on the Fil Bias button.
Enter the desired values for Emis Kp, Emis Ki, and Emis Kd,
following the procedure analogous to that described in sub-steps 5a),
5b), and 5c) above.
Figure 13 Config>Turret Screen at Initial Boot-Up
1.5.3 Configuring the Turret Control Module
0101-9031-0, Rev. B


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