Events; Event 50: Safety Module - Pilz Intern PMC SR6 Manual

Safety module
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The drive controller has a self-monitoring system that uses test rules to protect the drive system from
damage. Violating the test rules triggers a corresponding event. There is no possible way for you as
the user to intervene in some events, such as the Short/ground event. In others, you can influence the
effects and responses.
Possible effects include:
Message: Information that can be evaluated by the controller
Warning: Information that can be evaluated by the controller and becomes a fault after a defined
time span has elapsed without the cause being resolved
Fault: Immediate drive controller response; the power unit is disabled and axis movement is no
longer controlled by the drive controller or the axis is brought to a standstill by a quick stop or
emergency braking
Events, their causes and suitable measures are listed below. If the cause of the error is corrected,
you can usually acknowledge the error immediately. If the drive controller has to be restarted instead,
a corresponding note can be found in the measures.

Event 50: Safety module

The drive controller is interrupted:
The power unit is disabled and axis movement is no longer controlled by the drive controller
The brakes are no longer controlled by the drive controller and engage in the event of an inactive
release override (F06)
1: Inconsistent request
(single channel)
2: Wrong safety module
16: Remove enable!
Event 50 – Causes and actions
Manual PMC SR6 safety module
Damage to property due to interruption of a quick stop or emergency braking
If, when executing a quick stop or emergency braking, another fault occurs or a
safety function is activated, the quick stop or emergency braking is interrupted. In
this case, the machine can be damaged by the uncontrolled axis movement.
Connection error
The projected E53 safety
module does not match the
E54[0] detected by the system
STO request with active power
Check and action
Check the connection and correct if
necessary, error can be confirmed
only if STO was previously requested
for at least 100 ms across two
Check the project configuration and
drive controller and correct the project
configuration or exchange the drive
controller if necessary; fault cannot be
Only request STO with inactive power
Request Enable-off without quick stop
at the same time as the STO request
(Drive Based A44)
Pilz | 24


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