ACME O2 Oxygen User Manual page 30

Table of Contents


6. BaseFan/HeadFan cannot start
Check whether the fan is not running.
Check whether the fan leads are installed in place or disconnected.
Check whether the fan is damaged.
Check whether there are obstacles in the fan operating range.
7. BaseFan/HeadFan cannot stop
Check whether the fan circuit on the motherboard breaks down.
Check whether the component is damaged.
8. BaseFan/HeadFan speed too fast
Check whether the fan is out of order.
Check whether the fan circuit on the motherboard breaks down.
9. BaseFan/HeadFan speed too slow
Check whether the fan is out of order.
Check whether there are obstacles in the fan operating range.
10. Zoom Reset Fail
Check whether the position of the zoom where the magnet is installed falls off or is damaged.
Check whether there are obstacles in the zoom operating range.
Check whether the Hall element on the zoom is damaged.
Check whether the lead connecting the Hall element on the zoom and the PCB board is in poor
contact or disconnected.
Check whether the motor on the zoom is damaged.
Check whether the related circuit of the motor drive board on the zoom is damage.
11. LED Temp. Error
Check whether the temperature detecting board is normal.
Check whether the components of the temperature detecting board are damaged.
Check whether the lead on the temperature detecting board is installed in place or disconnected.
12. Led Temp. Too High
Check if the fan is working properly.
Check if the fan speed is normal.
Check if the ambient temperature is abnormal.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents