ICP DAS USA GT-530 User Manual page 31

Intelligent sms alarm controller
Table of Contents


be sent in SMS
Cancel Machine ID: Enable the function. The machine ID would not be
sent in SMS
Cancel report time: Enable the function. The data and time would not be
sent in SMS
Show System Event
The window shows the system event message according to the selected
language. The content is fixed and can not be changed. There are 4 system
events in GT-530 as follows:
Event 1:The external power is off. (This function can be disabled)
Event 2:The volume of battery is lower than the setting value. (This
function can be disabled). n is the remaining percentage volume of
Event 3:The time of GT-530 is abnormal. This function can not be
disabled. It could make the wrong timing for report and the cause is the
silver battery of GT-530 is abnormal. After changing the silver battery, the
time of GT-530 must be set.
Event 4: The counter value is reaching the preset limits. This function can
be disabled. n represents the number of DI channel. (n: 0 ~5)
DI type
There are 3 modes of DI type for users to select. It needs to reset GT-530 to
enable new setting after changing these parameters.
Use: Enable DI function
Type: DI0 ~ DI5 could be set as Counter function, NC or NO mode and
DI6~DI9 can be NC or NO mode.
Counter : Counter function (frequency : 5 ~ 40Hz)
DI-NC : Normal Close mode. When the DI circuit is broken, the event is
triggered. GT-530 would send the alarm SMS. Refer to section
GT-530 User Manual, Version 1.0, August 2009
GT-530 user manual v1.0


Table of Contents

Table of Contents