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ELCOM Euro-2000TE Alpha User Manual page 99


© Elcom Ltd.
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Euro-2000TE Alpha
No sale from daily (total) report execution.
ECR is ready to continue on sale.
The mode key is between two positions.
Normal sale mode. Data on receipt in R mode is counted to GT.
PLU flag disables split pricing.
2nd system flag disables sale for more decimal place.
Credit card payment limit is over
Grandtotals reached the max. amount. Execute daily (total) and periodical report
and call your service technician.
Stock amount reached max. 999 999,999.
Sale amount reached maximum. Terminate the sale.
Multiplication reached max. amount 10 000.
HALO limit over. Check the flags of DPT or PLU.
Add on or discount amount limit over. Check the system flags.
Particular tax level amount over limit from the last daily report.
Perform daily (total) report.
Add on or discount to returnable packs disabled.
Add on or discount to negative amount disabled.
Receipt printing off. The printing can be switched on by pressing
ECR executes operation that takes a longer time.
Incorrect date entry.
Press subtotal.
Void disabled in this stage of sale.
The printing of duplicate of last receipt.
PLU not sold.
ECR sorts programmed bar codes.
Max. count of PLU in a sale has been reached (50), or max. count of lines in one
re ceipt has been reached.
Perform daily (total) report.
Perform periodical report.
Deblocking programming mode can be done only by entry of service code.
Stock release mode. Data on receipt is not counted to GT.
It is necessary to print out electronic journal.
Compulsory customer number input is set. Enter customer number (max.8 digits).
Enforced entry of customer cash before sale termination.
Cashier has no authorization to enter into this mode.
Performed operation caused negative Grandtotal.
The thermal head is in an up position. Move it down to enable printing.
Illegal payment if two currencies are used.
The illegal Euro stage.
Printer failure, call your service technician.
Credit card payment limit over.
PC data is damaged (illegal).
After printing more than 3 000 000 lines cash register declare, that it needs preven-
tive maintenance. For aboliton of report after the start it is required to visit service.
Reset of cash register was provided. It is required to visit service centre.
Error messages and self tests

