Transport And Storage; Transport; Safety Device For Transport; Storage - HADEF 19/90 Installation, Operating And Maintenance Instructions

Monorail trolley, push travel trolley, hand geared trolley, electric trolley
Table of Contents


 Stop working immediately in case of disturbances and remedy failures.
 Any damage and faults must be reported to a responsible supervisor immediately.
 If the unit is put into motion, any persons in the immediate vicinity must be informed by calling to them!
 Please pay attention to the regulations for load carrying devices UVV for both positive and non-positive
methods of attaching loads.
 The lifting tackle or the load must be securely attached to the hook and be seated at the bottom of the
 The safety catch of hooks must be closed.
 When charged, the housing may not be in contact somewhere.
Pos : 7.1 /1_H AD EF/3--TRANSPORT/LAGERUN G/*Ü 1*/#. Kapitel - Trans port und Lager ung @ 0\mod_1172058584305_52.doc x @ 190 @ @ 1

Transport and Storage

Pos : 7.2 /1_H AD EF/---ALLGEM EIN/Hi nweise/VORSICH T - Trans port, Lagerung: nicht s ac hgemäß - keine H aftung @ 0\mod_1176819827794_52.doc x @ 4910 @ @ 1
Transport may only be done by qualified personnel. No liability for any damage resulting from improper
transport or improper storage.
Pos : 7.3 /1_H AD EF/3--TRANSPORT/LAGERUN G/Tr ans port und Lag erung/Trans port und Lag er ung @ 0\mod_1172060037462_52.doc x @ 194 @ @ 1


The devices are checked and if so adequately packed before delivery.
 Do not throw or drop the equipment.
 Use adequate means of transport.
Transport and means of transport must be suitable for the local conditions.

Safety device for transport

Should a safety device for transport exist, please remove it before commissioning.


 Store the equipment at a clean and dry place.
 Protect the equipment against dirt, humidity and damage by an appropriate cover.
 Protect hooks, wire ropes, chains and brakes against corrosion.
Pos : 8.1 /1_H AD EF/4--BESCHR EIBUN G/*Ü 1* /#.Kapi tel - Besc hrei bung @ 0\mod_1172065358380_52.doc x @ 215 @ @ 1


Pos : /1_H AD EF/4--BESCHREIBUN G/Allgemei n/Anwendungs ber eic he/1.Anwendungsbereic he - Alle ( auß er 380) @ 2\mod_1291022296255_52.doc x @ 17584 @ @ 1

Areas of application

The devices must be as far as possible installed in a covered room.
If they are used in the open, protect the units against the effects of weather such as rain, hail, snow, direct
sunshine, dust, etc. - we recommend to use a cover in parking position. If the device is set up in a
continuously humid environment with strong temperature fluctuations, the correct functionings are
endangered by the forming of condensation.
Ambient temperature -20°C up to +50°C. Power-operated units -20 up to +40°C. Humidity 100 % or less but
not under water
Pos : /1_H AD EF/4--BESCHREIBUN G/Allgemei n/Anwendungs ber eic he/2.Zus atz E+ P @ 0 \mod_1172067316174_52.doc x @ 232 @ @ 1
During longer periods of standstill, corrosion may reduce the function of the brake.
Pos : /1_H AD EF/---ALLGEM EIN/Hi nweis e/EX-Sc hutz/GEF AHR - Eins atz in EX verboten @ 0\mod_1176878631716_52.doc x @ 4940 @ @ 1
It is not permitted to use the unit in an area at risk from explosion!
Pos : 8.3.1 /1_H AD EF/4--BESCHREIBUN G/F ahrwer ke/Aufbau/19/90+ 2290 @ 1\mod_1238679251696_52.doc x @ 9732 @ @ 1


Type 19/90 push travel trolley
Pos : /1_H AD EF/4--BESCHREIBUN G/F ahr wer ke/F unktions bes chr eibung/1.R+H @ 1\mod_1185526420068_52.doc x @ 7322 @ @ 1
Type 22/90 hand geared trolley
Type 22/90 E electric trolley


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This manual is also suitable for:

22/9022/90 e

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