Lubrication System; Cooling System - Kubota D1102-B Workshop Manual

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(A) Lubrication System
(a) Oil filter
(b) Oil pump
(c) Pressure regulating valve
(d) By-pass valve
(e) Filter element
(f) Crankshaft
(g) Piston
(h) Idle gear
(A) Cooling System
(a) Radiator
(f) Cylinder head
(b) Radiator core
(g) Water pipe
(c) Suction fan
(h) Thermostat
(d) Water pump
(i) By-pass
(e) Cyl i nder block
(i) Rocker arm shaft
{k) Push rod
(I) Tappet
(m) Oil pressure switch
(n) Camshaft
(o) Oil pan
The l u brication system consists of a trochoide rotor-type
driven oil pu mp, oil filter cartridge, oil pressure regulati ng
valve, oil switch a nd oi l filter.
Oil is sucked by the oil pu mp (b) from the oi l pa n (o) through
the oil f ilter (a) , a nd the oi l is kept at 294 to 441 kPa (3.0 to
4.5 kgf/cm
42 to 64 psi) by a n oil pressure regulati ng va lve
(c) i nstalled i n the gear case. Then oi l flows towards the f i lter
ca rtridge where it wil l be f u rther f i ltered - To ensure the
suppl y ing of l u bricated oil, a by-pass valve (d) is prov ided,
the va lve opens when the f i lter element (e) is restr icted -.
From the f ilter cartridge, the pressured oil is then d istributed
i nto two parts: one pa rt wil l be f ed through cra nkshaf t
passage to the crank pi n bea ri ng a nd the other to the rocker
arm shaf t ( i) th rough the frame. Oi l then returns to oil pa n
by force of gravity.
A n oil pressure switch ( m) is provided on the way for watch-
i ng the oil pressure drop. The oil pressure switch can be con-
nected to the termi nals of the warni ng lamp on the hour-
meter u nit (optional part), the l ight wil l be l ight for warni ng
the operator if the oi l pressure drops below 50 kPa (0.5
kgf /cm
7 .1 psi) .
If the warn i ng la mp rema ins l ight wh i le engine is at normal
operation, stop the engine im med iately a nd check
The cool i ng system consists of a rad iator (optional part),
centrif uga l water pu mp, suction fa n and thermostat.
The water flow is cooled th rough the rad iator core ( b) a nd
the fa n (c) set beh i nd the rad iator (a) pul ls cool i ng air
through the core to i mprove cool i ng.
The pump (d) sucks the cooled water, forces it i nto the
cy l i nder block (e) and draws out the hot water. Then the
cool i ng is repeated. F urthermore, to control tem perature of
water, a thermostat ( h) is provided on the way. When the
thermostat opens, t he water moves d i rectl y to rad iator, but
when it closes, the water moves toward the water pum p
th rough the by-pass ( i ) between thermostat and water pu mp.
The opening temperature of thermostat is about
KiSC issued 09, 2007 A

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