Table of Contents


2 Press the setup button. The panel now allows you to enter the panel ID using buttons at
the left that function as a numeric keypad. The numbers of the keypad a printed on the
panel. They range from 0 (at the left) to 9:
Enter the panel ID using the keypad. Then press the setup button again.
3 The panel displays a confirmation message:
Press the left-most button to cancel your entry; press the button to the right of it to
save your entry.
4 Press the setup button once again and continue to press the setup button until the
panel displays 'ACQ IP' once again as in step 1.
5 After you enter the panel ID, reconnect the Ethernet cable. The system controller will
detect your panel in a few seconds. (All panel IDs must be unique.)
You can now prepare an NV9605 configuration in NV9000-SE Utilities and upload the
configuration to the NV9605. You need the panel ID to create a NV9605 configuration.
When you upload the configuration, the panel ID you entered in NV9000-SE Utilities
designates the actual panel to which the upload will occur. If no actual panel has that ID,
the upload cannot occur.


A panel test function is available when the NV9605 is disconnected from the system
controller. Run the test to determine the health of your NV9605. See
page 44
These are points to consider after you install your NV9605 control panel(s):
1 Do the buttons illuminate? When an NV9605 powers up, one or more of its buttons are
supposed to turn green or amber. Did it pass the panel test mentioned above?
2 When the NV9605 powers up and it is connected to the system controller, it should
initialize completely. (That takes a few seconds.) The NV9000 system should load
whatever configuration exists for that panel and the buttons appropriate for its
configuration should light.
If you continue to see "No Server, " "ACQ IP, " or "Locating Network, " you have a problem.
Reboot everything and try again.
for detail. You can also view the software version numbers under setup mode.
The NV9605, by default, acquires its IP address through DHCP on the system
controller's panel/router network. You can use the Panel IP Configuration Utility to
force the panel to have a static IP address.
User's Guide
P a n e l I D
_ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3
0 C a n c e l
S a v e
Setup Mode


Table of Contents

Table of Contents