Renishaw HS20 Installation Manual page 38

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Reference mark wiring
Wiring to the reference mark switches must be to the normally open contacts identified as pin
numbers 3 and 4. Figure 24 shows the wiring of the actual inside of a wired reference mark switch.
Ensure that the screen is connected to the shell of the switch as shown in the diagram.
HS20 configuration
The output of the HS20 may be configured by adjusting the configuration switches. There are four
configurable functions available to the user on the HS20 via configuration switches mounted on the
rear of the laser head as shown in figure 31 below.
WARNING: It is important to set the output resolution of the HS20 laser encoder to match
the controller's input resolution. If the quadrature resolution is set incorrectly, the axis may
move for distances and at speeds that are not expected. For example, if the output
resolution from the HS20 system is set to double that of the controller input, the axis may
move twice as far and twice as fast as expected.
Figure 24 - Reference Mark Switch Wiring
Figure 31 - HS20 Configuration switches
The configuration
switches are located
under the panel shown
and can be accessed by
removing the two screws


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