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Nice AVIO500 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use page 34


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The gearmotor can be rotated in three different positions.
3.3.3 – Fixing the gearmotor to the ceiling
1 Observing the A, B and C positions shown in Figure 8, mark the 2 fas-
tening points for the guide's front bracket in the centre of the garage door
(or slightly off-centre – Figure 11).
Depending on the type of material, the front bracket can be fastened
using rivets, anchors or scre s (Figure 26). If positions A, B, and C (figure
8) allow it, the bracket can be fastened directly to the ceiling.
2 After drilling the holes, leave the head of the gearmotor on the ground,
lift the guide from the front and secure it with two screws, anchors or riv-
ets depending on the type of surface.
3 Secure the brackets [H] with bolts [I] and nuts [L] in the hole which
hich allo s the closest match for dimension B (see figure 8).
4 Using a ladder, lift the gearmotor and position the brackets against
the ceiling. Mark the drilling points, then put the gearmotor back on the
5 Using a ladder, drill the marked positions and place the brackets over
value B
the holes which have just been drilled and, using suitable screws and
plugs, secure the brackets.
6 Make sure that the guide is perfectly horizontal, then cut the excess of
the brackets using a hacksaw.
7 With the door closed, pull the cord and release the carriage [M] from
the guide.
8 Slide the carriage until the door mounted bracket [N] shown in Figure
32 is positioned on the upper edge of the door, exactly perpendicular to
the guide[O].
Secure door mounting bracket [N] with bolts or rivets. Use screws or riv-
ets that are suitable for the door material, making sure that they are capa-
ble of bearing all the strain resulting from opening and closing the door.
9 Loosen the screws in the two mechanical stops, then place the front
mechanical stop [P] before the carriage (Figure 33).
Push the carriage hard in the closing direction and, in the reached posi-
tion, tighten the scre firmly [Q].
English – 9

